Don’t care what you got to say.
Your judgement.
Your criticism.
Your desire to rule my castle.
I will not serve you this way or that,
I serve only my beautiful soul.
That’s what attracts you.
That’s what makes you want to own me,
to harness these chambers.
That’s the lure,
the great appeal,
that causes your demise.
You may think I am b*tchy,
aloof and superficial.
You may look at me and call me names.
You may say I am childish and naive,
believing all the storybook lines.
But baby,
I know that magic exists.
I have seen it with my own two eyes.
It pours from my heart and soul,
when staying aligned.
So when I say “NO” to you,
It is an act of love.
Although it may cause you anger and pain,
I tell you no lie.
I am a proud soulful AF b*tch and damn beautiful because of it.
‘Cuz I am the magic in my life.
The great mothers womb is within my being,
I birth only my truth in each step I take and word I speak.
You cannot handle the reigns of my soul,
they will only burn you to the ground.
Unless you are willing to stand strong in whom you are as well,
and hear my passionate hearts desire.
Know that freedom is my quest.
Love is what sets its sails.
Love of self, so I can love you deeper and know who I am.
But only those who have the same mission,
who have tended to their gates,
who have been lost in the submission,
to the greatness of who they are,
will ever tread these waters,
Side by side,
hand in hand.
Baby I know magic exists.
But you may think me mean.
You may believe that I am unkind.
And that is something I will have to be alright with,
as you will see me as you portray from your desire.
Your illusion.
I am a proud soulful AF b*tch and damn beautiful because of it.
I will not serve you this way or that,
because I serve me,
perhaps you should venture out and discover your magic,
and know you are free.
Free to set boundaries,
Free to say an authentic yes or no.
Free to dance without bondage.
Because baby you are beautiful.
And you are your magic.
To all the b*cthes, the as*sholes, the MF selfish peeps out there, who have big AF hearts, tons of compassion, love to serve the world communities and are bombarded with those who hunger for every last drop of you.
Know that you are worthy AF!
And in your boundary setting,
in your alignment to who you are,
that although you may not always please everyone all the time,
or even ever,
that you are beautiful AF!
It is because of souls like you that magic happens each day.
Your kindness, authenticity and joy is not forsaken or lost in these etimes of the hungry who cannot feed themselves.
Know that you owe no one anything,
only yourself the respect to be true to YOU.
So speak up with your boundaries.
Say loud and proud NO WAY.
For when you say NO to someone else and it is authentic and true,
you say YES to you and become magic in your life.
As Always,
Loving you from a soulful space.
And remember,
Stop Existing & Start Living
“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”

These consults are open for the next 30 days only. (Feb. 20th to March 201th, 2021)
*All consults are FREE for this program.
*All consults are done on phone or FB livestream messenger.
*Consults are open to individuals and couples.
*Program is focused on 8 Pillars of Love, Money and Life Happiness.
*Find out the deets for this signature elite program that is opening up for registration to an elite 15 clients on April 1st, 2021.
* You must do the prerequisite of the consult to join this game changing, life altering mentoring opportunity.
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