Thoughts turn to feelings,
and what do we do when we have been programmed so hard core to have negative thoughts,
or to feel guilty about certain things,
or shame even?
How do we clean up our subconscious minds and thoughts?
I mean we have all been told that these subconscious thoughts affect our outcomes. That they are sneaky little bastards that rise up and cause havoc in our lives and get us to self-sabotage when things are going so great.
And these subconscious thoughts impact our vibration,
our ability to create the life that we want for,
It can feel like a real battle to overcome and clean up this junk in our minds,
in our subconscious world.
I mean, shit its subconscious, so we gotta first make that stuff conscious so we can properly dispose of it,
Or maybe we can just put ourselves in a trance state and clean them up without even knowing we are cleaning them up?
But I want to share a little secret with you today.
It’s a good one too.
I want you to toss around the idea that maybe,
just maybe the only thoughts that actually impact your life and outcomes are not your subconscious ones but instead the thoughts that are ACTIVE.
So if it’s a subconscious thought,
a truly subconscious thought, meaning below consciousness
you won’t have feelings around it because there is not enough activation around it to compete with what your soul, your core really knows.
And here is what you really need to understand,
if you are having a feeling around the thought….
then it’s NOT a subconscious thought,
its and active thought that’s in competition,
or not.
You can have an active thought that’s not in competition with who you really are and what you really know,
and that thought will feel like a good idea.
That thought will feel energizing,
you will feel vitality from it,
you will have interest in it.
It’s really only the thoughts that are in opposition to what your soul knows….
for example if you are thinking a thought like,
“I am not good at this, I can’t succeed at this.”
Then your soul is not thinking this,
your soul knows differently,
and therefore you will be feeling a negative feeling.
So, don’t worry about subconscious thoughts weighing you down or being a disadvantage to you,
because they are not.
They are so subconscious that you are not feeling around them, they are a non-player to your life experiences.
It is only the things that you are feeling around that are players in your point of attraction,
in the experiences that are manifesting for you right now.
So this makes things far easier right?
If it feels good, yeah keep it active.
If it does not, stop thinking those thoughts.
But it is not that easy to just stop thinking these negative thoughts.
Because the law of attraction keeps them coming,
and that’s why we come up with this flawed concept that there must be subconscious thoughts playing against us and making all this shit happen.
Because logically, we look at the pain and crap and think,
“I would not do this to myself, so it must be subconscious.”
But it is NOT subconscious,
And you keep thinking these thoughts and creating these results because it is easier to think these thoughts because they have momentum, then it is to stop thinking that thought.
You get it?
So what do you do?
You have to know that there are other thoughts,
there are other thoughts that feel better,
that you are conscious sof as well,
and are ACTIVE as well,
and you CAN, with a little bit of effort hook into these thoughts and create stronger momentum with them,
shifting your perspective from that,
that is easy and negative to that,
that you actually desire to feel and create.
Many years ago, well actually about 15+ years I used to be so reactive to my thoughts, because they caused me to feel so yucky and angry, sad, guilty, shameful, empty, etc. And I believed to my core that this is just the way my life was. No matter how much self-growth work I did or how much journalling and workshops I went to, my results were bleak and my feelings were not what I desired.
I would flair up over little things it would seem,
but these little things had deep root systems in my mind and feelings. So I would get triggered easily and mad that someone had triggered me, then go into my victim mode and blow up in one fashion or another, or worse hold it all in and distance myself from all feelings, I would seem indifferent to life and those around me.
I spent years believing that I was aloof and introverted, when in fact I was just churning around and creating more momentum in these negative attitudes and thoughts.
I would stew on things and analyze them every way possible,
I would work my butt off to change things,
and I would deep dive into my issues,
without gaining the results that I wanted ever.
And then one day….
I learned this simple truth that I shared above.
It was not my subconscious thoughts,
It was not my past or my programming,
it was what I CHOSE TO KEEP ACTIVE in my mind and feelings.
It was where I was applying my attention.
And I had the power to look at whatever I desired.
I had the ability to focus myself little by little toward the thoughts that provided me the feelings that I wanted.
And from there would create the life experiences that I wanted.
But I had to choose to stop doing what was easy and let myself run down that rabbit hole of negative thoughts.
I had to choose to catch myself when I did, and not beat myself up over it, but simply change my direction of focus.
And now what used to take me 2 years to move through only takes me five minutes or less.
That’s it.
That’s the secret to getting everything that you want.
That’s all you ever have to do.
Be present and conscious of what you are choosing and stop making excuses around why you cannot do the self-check work of catching yourself.
Or the other option,
accept what you are getting with your stinking thinking and STOP bitchin’ about it,
because you created it,
So if you are sitting here today on this fine Monday and questioning why your world or this one or two subjects in your life are not going the way you want,
no matter how much effort you put in on them,
no matter how much you smile and do the damn things that you believe will get you the results that you want and see others getting from less work or the same,
then I am speaking to you luv,
I am speaking to you who wonders ,
“Why am I so unhappy.”
“Why do I not ever have good things happen.”
“Maybe I am not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, healed enough, etc.”
or blaming your parents, your religion or government and upbringing for why your life is the way it is,
Nope it’s you baby.
You are creating this all with the thoughts you are keeping active.
Is it time to change what you want to keep active?
I would say so.
And As Always,
Stop Existing & Start Living
“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”
You were born worthy of so much more than what you are allowing right now.
It is time that you say YES to you.
Message Me for deet’s on 1:1 coaching now.
I can kick your a*s from any where globally.