No matter what it is that you are wanting for in life, and generally speaking we humans only really go after a few things, all other things are secondary and based on our desire for the primary things. Our primary desires circle around love 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨, money💰 and what we believe these two things will provide us with… happiness .


Anything else that we crave in life we remain under the impression that they will somehow assist us in acquiring these three primaries.


And so the timeless story goes,

we fear not gaining what we want so badly for and in our fear we settle for all the things that are not truly ours for the having and wonder why we are suffering. 🤯


👊👊👊The ONLY RULE to life is such!


👉NEVER Settle for that, that is not yours to begin with. 👀



But how then do we know what is ours and what is not you may ask?


It is simple, truly it is.

Those things, no matter what they may be, relationships, jobs, experiences that we may believe we “should ” have, etcetera, etcetera, but do not align to our SOUL are not ours for the keeping.


Did you catch that?

That subtle statement right there.

“Not ours for the keeping.”


And I highlight this because it does not mean that we are not to explore such things.

These things that are out of alignment with our SOUL expression sometimes need to be explored so that we can gain deeper clarity and purification of our desires and our frequency to those desires.


Contrast is clarifying and mandatory for our learning of self.


Until we know whom we are not,

and what we do not want for,

we do not gain the understanding and sight of who we truly are and what we want.


SImply put you cannot know you are a true F-ck No to something until you “think” you are a F-ck Yes only to discover otherwise from time and experience.


This is why we have false “love” based relationships.

It is not that we do not love our partner or that we fall out of love with them. What is actually occuring is that we come together with a partner in love for our self-awareness a.k.a. clarification and purification process. In our relating to this other soul that is not our soulmate we are able to learn our boundaries, our needs, our non-negotiables. We are better equipped to speak our truth because often in a relationship that is not ours for the keeping we are pushed to deny our hearts and souls as to make lenience for the others will and wants.


And so we become WISE to our SOUL.

Wisdom comes from learning what feels in alignment and what does not and THEN listening to the nudges from our core self.


Realizing that although many packages can be delivered to us in this lifetime,

presenting themselves as the perfect situation, the perfect person, the perfect fit in love, work and happiness,

if “something feels off” about it…




It’s not bad.

It’s just not yours.

Or at very most, not yours for the keeping.

It may be yours for the learning.


The trick to this rule of thumb in life that will without a doubt make your life all so much simpler, peaceful and happier.

Will bare with it the richness of the manifestation of all your souls desires as well,

is to number one, LEARN TO LISTEN to that soft voice within that speaks your truth.

Number two, STOP giving two sh*ts or f-ck to what anyone else thinks, believes or what you see them doing and think that you can somehow mimic.


Their soul expression is theirs.

Their soul path is theirs.

And what is theirs in this life,



Not yours.

So just STOP.

STOP with all the lies you are telling yourself.

Stop with all the Bullsh*t you are feeding yourself about living from SOUL,

Living on PURPOSE,

Listening to your SOUL.


If your sh*t is not VIBING and you are not THRIVING,



And chances are…

You are looking everywhere but where you need to to find what is yours for the keeping.


Loving You From Soul. 🙏


As Always,

Stop Existing & Start Living

“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”


It’s happening!

April 1st, 2021…


Unavailable for Bullsh*t.

Are you ready to get mofo DONE with the bullsh*t?


Do you realize just how freakin’ simple and easy in flow your life would be if you just started to honor your soul?


Maybe not.


Maybe you don’t really understand what it means to honor your soul.


Maybe it is a great concept to you, you feel like you are already doing it,


but just cannot figure out the micro- details as to why things are not fully lining up yet the way you had desired them too.



You are still struggling.


In love and relationship.


With your money.


Or maybe it just is everywhere in your life.


Causing you limited life happiness.


Well here is the thing love,  living from soul means a few things,


the primary being to…




Which means to start to honor your boundaries, standards and requirements in life.


In all subject areas.


Can you just imagine a life where you knew what you wanted,


you had great clarity about it,


you could feel it and almost taste it.


And you just KNEW without a doubt that it was yours for the having.


Because you were operating from faith and soul instead of fear.


Because you understood the 8 Pillars of Love, Money and Life Happiness,

and knew that through these pillars you were able to achieve and manifest your wildest desires…


Can you imagine that sorta life?


Or here is one more for you, love,


what about a life where you stopped questioning if this or that was right and good for you,


but instead trusted in your soul response so vividly that you were always certain as to what choices to make in life,


in relationship,


with your health or well being.


With anything.


Can you imagine this sorta life?


Well it is possible.


In this 8-week exclusive training you get to work with me on breaking free from the bullsh*t that you have allowed yourself to believe in all these years and you get to FINALLY say MF YES! to your beautiful Soul.


PM me for deet’s or leave a comment here saying you are done with the BS!