Who’s way?

Your way.

Damn straight baby,

You are in your way.

And you have been blocking yourself from hearing the messages of the universe,

For years now.

It’s time you stop accepting so little for your life.

This world needs you to get ignited in your power.

You see by sitting back and squelching your light, your wisdom, your heart,

You are denying all those whose life you could positively impact your gift.

By keeping yourself locked up,

For the awesome reason of fear,

Or some wound you endured back then,

You are limiting your touch on this world.

The people in your life that you claim to love,

That you say are the reasons that you are holding back for,

Well guess what,

You are not loving them more or doing them any favors by not being 100% you in your radiant power.


In truth you are hindering them.

You are not offering them their best life.

And certainly are not thriving.

You say you are a teacher,

A preacher,


A crusader,

A parent,

A friend,

A lover….

Well time to grow a pair, love.

Time to stand the f-ck up and open your ears to the guidance that is all around.

God is reaching out to you.

The angels are screaming for you to hear them.

Your SOUL is churning inside.

And yet there you sit.

Stubborn in your fear and pain.

Where will it ever take you baby?

Where will you end up?

Feel that pit in your stomach as you embrace the reality that you only have this present moment to decide who you are and what you want for.

You get to choose your next step.

You get to open the door to the rest of your life.

You get to point yourself in the direction that makes you feel good.

Did you read that?

The direction that makes you feel good.


And what’s going to feel good?

Staying in the same pattern that you have been in all these years,

Or getting out of your own way?

If you choose option A,

Please stop reading now. I am not talking to you in this message.

If you chose option B,

Well then start stepping baby.

I know how terrifying it can feel to finally say yes to yourself.

I know its shaky ground to step forward and have faith that you can do it.

That breaking free you won’t find yourself being too much or not enough.

I get it that change can feel challenging.

But the reality is this….

If you truly want to be that ignited powerhouse that you are.

Thriving in life, love, health and wealth…


There ain’t no other way around it.

You know what you have been getting with what you have been choosing so far.

So what do you say love?

Are you ready to not just crack open the door,

But blow it the f-ck off its hinges and say yes.

Yes to your life of abundance.

Yes to happiness.

Yes to feeling good.

Yes to turning your attention to what feels good.

Yes to your soul.

I sure hope so.

‘Cuz you deserve it.

But in truth….

Only a few actually blow the door off its hinges.

Most crack it a bit and then let their fear creep back in and they slam the door shut tighter than before. They get nervous with walking a new path in life.

But this ain’t you, right?


So let’s do this.

Let’s do it now.

Time to say F-CK YES!!!

And remember,

Stop Existing & Start Living

“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers “

Message me for deets on steps to saying yes to your power today.