That’s right luv,

I am speaking to you.


You say that you are feeling called to make that change.

You know the change….

That DAMN THING in your life that is NOT “fine.”

That you are not happy with,

that has been causing you remorse for so long,

and you just cannot seem to change it.


You say that you are WILLING and motivated to make the change,

that you know that if you do not do something now then life will just continue to be the same and that you are not good with that.


You say that you are sick and tired of being sick and tired.

That this shiz has got to stop!


But is that true luv?


Is it?



Let’s be real…..


All this claiming.

All this believing that you are actually wanting it.

All this knowing that now is the effing time.

And yet….


What do you do?


Make excuses. Want it to be handed to you on a silver plate without you having to actually step the f-ck up and claim it?




Are you being for real right now, luv?

Cuz’ that is sheer crazy thinking.


ANd so what do you believe?

What do you tell yourself?


“It must not be the right time.”

“If it were the right time then everything would just fall into place. I would not have to show up like this for it. I would not have to make that commitment to my calling like that.”


Well luv,

that is nothing but utter bullshiz right there.


The thing sthat you feel the most called too,

will show up for you in the perfect time.

However the perfect time does not mean that you won’t have to show up and commit yourself to them in some fashion that WILL TEST your desire.


Test your courage and your faith.


If you want to move the mountains in your life then you are going to have to do the DAMN THING that you feel challenged by to get them to move,

you are going to have to commit your energy, your time, your money, your focus to them.


And you are going to feel a tug and a push.

You are going to doubt if its possible,

if you can do it or if the time or situation is right.

You are going to question a hell of a lot of things luv.


But those of us who have done the DAMN THING,



we KNOW that if you are feeling called to do something then

IT IS TIME to act on it without reservation or hesitation.


That is your SOUL knocking and guiding you to your desired life and dreams.


It has certainty that you can do it and that the path is set before you.

You may not be able to see it from where you stand right now,

but the path is there and everything that you need to accomplish your dreams,

that f-ck yes life that you want for….


it’s all right there waiting for you to COMMIT yourself to taking that step toward it.


But as long as you choose the reasons and excuses as to why you cannot take that step,

then all you will ever succeed at is having what you have.


So get use to the world that you are living in baby,

cuz’ it won’t change till you take action and commit to making it happen.

To do the damn work.

To step out in faith and lean toward what you are feeling called toward.


This is your moment luv.

You are so worthy of that life,

that love,

the success and money,

the health that you desire and feel called toward.

It is there waiting on you to say YES to it.



So what are you going to do?


Say yes to the reasons and excuses or yes to the life that you want?



It’s decision time.


And As Always,

Stop Existing & Start Living

“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”



Ready to take that step luv?

Let me guide you through the simple process of saying YES to your SOUL based life.  Message me for deet’s on coaching today.