This Man in My Bed.
The man in my bed. He is like no other man that has graced my sheets with splendor.He is like no other man who has captured my essence, if for a flicker
The man in my bed. He is like no other man that has graced my sheets with splendor.He is like no other man who has captured my essence, if for a flicker
Am I vibing with you? I sure hope I am. Or maybe I hope I am not. It really depends on where you are vibing at.And I say this, because we often do
Snuggles. Intimacy. Kisses. Time shared. SEX! Mmmmmmmm..... sounds good, huh? Sounds like something you want. That you desire more of in your life. Me too! I sit here this morning contemplating so many things, and I often find myself excavating
Success happens with in the small things. The small things is what makes all the difference, because the small things are actually BIG mother f-cking things. Have you noticed this? I sure have luv. I
I am too much. Truly I am. The way I share, the way I love, the way I enjoy, the way I act, the way I sex, the way I can let
No one really cares if you succeed or not. No one really gives a rat's rear end if you pay your bills or not. No one really ultimately gives a shit. How do
You say you can hear my smile in my voice. You say that you want an opportunity to court me. You say so much... It is not your words. It is all in your
He came hard and strong. He came deep and long. He vibrated my whole body with his orgasm and carried me deeper into my own. My pussy twitched, squeezed and swallowed him up
One of those mornings where it's to freaking' cold to get out of bed. Where I just find myself not wanting to even venture to the bathroom to pee. Brrrrrrr.... Talked Levi my