A life for a life was the statement that was made in a show I was watching last night.
And with this statement I found myself sending out a deep heartfelt prayer for the family who lost their sweet two year old child yesterday. This family who lost the life of their baby, I do not know.
In truth they would have never meant anything to me other than being my fellow human beings and only wanting the best for all.
However, yesterday this family became a blessing.
A life saver.
Their child was the miracle that was needed for my family.
And in their sacrifice, another life was offered hope.
As I fell asleep last night, awaiting the news of my grandson’s heart transplant surgery I was caught here between the realms of excitement and joy blended with anguish.
The reality that it was truly a case of a life for a life.
That both could not,
cannot exist here in our physical existence together.
Both children cannot have an opportunity to live.
That they must come together in an essence and create one life.
Amazing what our medical advancements offer us.
It’s magical.
It’s a miracle.
And it is great pain and suffering.
I fell asleep worried about my grandson,
praying for no complications, for a speedy surgery.
And I fell asleep with a pain for the loss that this miracle family must be going through at this very moment.
The life altering, never imagined event.
The sun rose this morning with beautiful news for my grandson.
And my heart smiled for my daughter and son-in-law.
My soul rejoyced at the good news.
And I thanked the heavens for the blessing, knowing that it was still a long journey ahead, but that this was a pivotal moment.
As I listened to the birds singing their morning song, staring into the flames of the fire I was sitting by,
I realized that THIS is always the case.
We can never receive the life that we desire,
we can never live our dreams,
we cannot thrive,
without giving up our life first.
The life that we have become so familiar with.
The life that has brought us to where we are now.
This life we must sacrifice.
We must offer it up at the altar to the life that we desire to live if we want to even have a chance at living out our dreams.
And so it is.
So is the hero’s journey.
The journey of the soul.
The journey of you and I.
Much like the blessing of a new heart for my grandson,
where another child had to leave this earth and not live,
so that my grandson could be offered the hope, the chance of more years to walk this earth and live,
You too must give up your life that you have been so comforted in to expand.
To have.
To do.
To be.
These little deaths of who we are must happen.
They are the ONLY WAY.
And they may feel like great suffering and misery.
They will bear with them much fear and doubt.
You will be altered by these little deaths.
And you will feel tested.
You will question, “why?”
You will wonder and feel it is unfair.
You will feel abandoned and lost.
You will weep at the loss of all that you were.
And when you awake from your slumber one morning,
and look around your world,
you too will rejoice.
You will be in gratitude for all that you were,
for all that you learned,
for all that you suffered.
You will see the miracle of this life.
And you will realize too that it is always the case…
A life for a life, because not one of us can remain who we are and expect to live the life we were born to live in the same mindset, the vibration that we are currently in.
We must transform.
We must let go of all that we know.
We must make the familiar, unfamiliar.
And the unfamiliar, familiar.
If we are to LIVE.
Today look at your life and allow yourself to explore where you are holding onto all that you are fearful of letting go of, but is holding you back and ask yourself if you are ready to say yes…
YES to living UNBOUND.
YES to living your DREAMS.
And as always,
Stop Existing & Start Living
“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”
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Photo Credit DandelionImages