Opening up.
Sharing our truth.
Our emotions and our thoughts.
As we share our bodies.
We crave the relationship that we can have and do all of this in and yet we never give ourselves the opportunity to truly expereince what this sort of relationship is like.
I may have had a few relationships of many lables and kinds through my adult years.
And as I sit here thinking on them,
I see a common factor in them.
I see my hunger for depth.
Some provided a richness of the mind.
These were the relationships that stimulated me and made me ponder deep and wondereful things. They were phylosophical, complex, logical and smooth.
Some provided a richness of the emotions.
These held me in a sea of emotion,
they taught me it was safe to weep in a lovers arms,
they taught me it was beautiful to witness another share from their heart the things they feared to reveal anywhere else.
These relationships were based in feeling emotion.
Both positive and negative.
They were chaotic, moody, edgy and ever changing.
Some provided a richness of the body.
These ignited my flesh consistently.
I would find myself lighting up and being taken into a desire without any thought,
just a hunger.
These I could feel my whole body open into and drink up the tender and playful moments shared.
These relationships were based in passion, touch, action, play and chemistry. They were triggering, expansive, educational, playful and hot.
But none of these beautiful relationships,
just based in the area that it landed offered what I wanted the most for.
You can go deep with someone in thought.
You can go deep with them emotionally.
You can go deep physically with them in exploration and play.
But that is not the depth that we crave in relationship.
For us to know what depth is,
we must first have a taste of it with self.
As it is like with anything worth wanting for,
first you must know it from within.
All good shiz starts within.
And depth in relationship is no different.
What makes up a deep relationship though?
Its all of the above,
and its also spiritual depth.
You have to feel it at a SOUL level.
There is a KNOWING.
It is where our souls unit and they just KNOW that they are two branches on the same tree you could say.
This spiritual depth takes you into a land where conversations move past the mental, emotional and physical constraints.
We speak about lifetimes of connection and feeling.
We meld ourselves together in the knowing of each other and we can’t do anything else but smile.
Even if the relationship comes to an end,
we cannot say anything other than our gratitude for having expereinced it.
You will know when you are in a relationship of this sort,
by tapping into your truth.
You must be willing to embrace the possibility that it is not a KNOWING relationship.
That you may not have the depth that you crave and may never have it with the person that you have your eye’s set on in current,
but you can feel into the relationship you have and figure out if it is based in this KNOWING or not.
The steps to the KNOWING are simple:
🔥 You have what some would say a blind love. You truly are unconditional with this person. They can do NOTHING that will ever make you turn from them, that you could not forgive them for. You see them only in love. Many relationships claim to have this, however when you examine it you will find that the parties want each other to act, look, be a certain way so that they pleasently feed the others needs for comfort and safety.
🔥 Synchronicities and coincindeses just happen at high intensity when you are together or thinking about this person. To the point that its like the universe is always sending you memo’s on your deep connection and alignment with this other person.
🔥 If you are having sex, its without question the best you have ever had. Mind blowing, connective, emotional, with spiritual overplay at every gasp. You cannot get enough of each other and you feel like you just keep finding a new universe to explore each time you are together within this person.
🔥 Triggering. The KNOWING relationship is one that will feel triggering in many moments as the person will mirror you and at the same time ask that you go deeper into them to see yourself. They will without consciously knowing or trying say and do things that will cause you to pause and breathe. The end result will always be the same, where you find yourself exploring deeper aspects of self because of what they revealed.
🔥 Psychic connections. This may seem silly to some, but its the KNOWING relationship that has some feeling like they have been together for a thousand years over, they feel each others thoughts and emotions almost too accuratly some days. Hard to keep secrets in a knowing relationship as all is constantly revealed.
🔥 Gut wrenching. A Soul Knowing relationship has you wrapped up in a constant battle of uncharted waters of vulnerabilty. You find yourself diving into waters with this person on small and big matters without care or second thought. You have the certainty that they will love you through it no matter what, because they do.
🔥 Both parties feel all the above.
This is where the rarety comes in. Many people may sit and read these words and say, “Yes. Yes.Yes. I have all of that with my partner.” But would your partner feel and think the same? If two come together but only one see’s and feels, then it is not a KNOWING relationship for this moment in time or perhaps even this life. We can have many beautiful moments and memories with many kidred souls. We may think of them even as soulmates, and this all of them are. But the KNOWING is one that is without question, or doubt from either side. It just is.
We can all call in this beautiful fulfilling relationship,
we may be in a KNOWING right now. You may have had a relationship of the past be all the above and lost it.
You will know if you still love unconditionally and smaile at the fact that at least you loved and lost, then never have been able to taste the KNOWING at all.
Often our fear blocks us from this vulnerable deep sort of relationship. We meet someone and our souls KNOW…
but due to whatever fears and repression we may have we may block it from being lived out at this time.
That is why…
To have a KNOWING relationship,
you must first look within.
The one’s who know themselves,
love themselvevs purely and without constraight,
the ones who lean into their fears,
push past thier triggers,
and allow themselves to SEE and be SEEN.
These are the one’s who open the doorway to DEPTH that we all crave.
I ask you today,
Are you willing to stand before the mirror of all time and space and go deep within to manifest the relationship your heart and SOUL crave for?
As Always,
Stop Existing & Start Living
“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”
Message me about opportunities to learn how to go deep with self, clear your blockages and open the doorway to love.