The leap of faith.
The leap of inspired action.
The leap of true love.
The leap.
That is what we crave.
That is what we want.
That is what we fear.
When we leap, we also risk.
And there is this feeling that we could die.
This feeling of jumping out of a plane,
into the unknown,
and we question if our shoot will open,
or worse yet if we remembered to put our shoot on even.
So we focus on all that could go wrong.
We focus on all that is not happening.
We look at the evidence,
and we get caught up in the strings of what is not even reality.
Talk a big game.
Speak of soul alignment.
Say that we have prayed about it.
Share our faith about our success with everyone we can.
But internally, we are anxious.
And full of doubt.
We can taste the joy of our success.
We can feel the excitement of FINALLY having what we want to manifest so bad,
but that damn little voice in our head,
that voice that wants to sabotage us.
Alright, alright, I hear you.
I get it.
I am stupid.
I am ugly.
I am not worthy.
I an pathetic.
I am a bad person.
I don’t know what to do.
And we weep.
We shake in fear of all the crap that we feed ourselves.
The words.
The statements.
The imagery.
We are sure to fail.
But NO.
We must try.
We owe it to ourselves.
To our loved ones.
We want so badly to prove that we are worthy.
And so we listen to a guru.
We sign up for a program.
We get serious!
We put our head down,
and we get to work.
Yes we must write down our goals.
We must focus on our weak muscles and build them stronger by knowing our weakness.
And overcoming it.
We must get up earlier.
Stay up later.
Do everything that feels forced, scary, and hard.
We must MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!!
And so we struggle a bit longer.
And we prove to ourselves how undeserving and stupid we are.
How success is not meant for us.
We look out into the world and we see everyone doing so great,
but we fully understand that we don’t have the skills to make it happen.
So we lower our heads.
We take our loss.
And we put the ball down on what we are so called too.
We turn away from our dreams.
And we make excuses.
Logical excuses.
Yes here is where so many people are RIGHT NOW.
As I sit here a third of the way through the first month of the new year, I see so many of you beautiful people struggling.
Companies are laying off.
Pink slips are hitting so many people without any fair warning.
The government is under challenges.
Causing issues with our taxes,
causing issues with our mail,
with so many things.
We have come through the joy and stress of the holidays,
we have hopes and goals for the new year,
and we are loosing focus already.
I hear so many speaking about what they cannot have.
Settling already for another year of the SAME.
But there is no FAITH in this.
There is no GROWTH in this.
There is no JOY/HAPPINESS in this.
And there is for sure no SOUL in this.
No your soul my love,
has all the certainty that you need to make your dreams come true.
All you need do is get in alignment to it and STOP focusing on what is not happening.
Don’t turn away from your dreams.
Don’t get discouraged about what you want that is not happening.
No instead,
FOCUS on what you do have.
Focus on the joy, love, good stuff that IS in your world.
Even if it is just a small little moment.
Lean into it love.
Here is the doorway to your greatness.
Calm your mind each day.
Make space for SOUL to speak to you.
Make time for yourself to connect to God.
Soul alignment ONLY comes from creating a space of stillness and listening.
Here is where you GAIN EVERYTHING.
And when you hear the call,
you feel the turn on.
Then you can LEAP with Inspired Guidance and take Inspired Action.
Here is where you will discover that as you take your focus off of all that you think you should be doing,
and you simply create space for it to happen,
that is will just manifest with ease and speed.
A focus on feeling good.
Change your focus.
Change your life.
As always,
Stop existing & Start Living
“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”
Take action by claiming your life TODAY.
Speak to me about 1:1 mentorships and coaching Now.
Or sign up for one of my programs to make 2019 YOUR year of abundance.