6 Things That Show You Are Not Claiming Your Relationship
Avoidance of these guarantee major relationship issues — such as cheating. Once upon a time I was dating a man who broke my heart. Granted we have all been through some
Avoidance of these guarantee major relationship issues — such as cheating. Once upon a time I was dating a man who broke my heart. Granted we have all been through some
Why Every Man Should Watch At Least Three Chick Flicks a Year. "So it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard, and we're gonna have to work at this
Why Women Stop Being Playful in Relationship “I just feel he is uninterested or too stressed often so I don’t ask or try.” Carly says in frustration as she shrinks down
#1 REASON MEN STOP WANTING TO HAVE SEX WITH A PARTNER Tony sat in my office heavy in his heart, deeply troubled at where he found himself and fearful that his
THE TALE OF PUSSY- EVERY WOMANS STORY “He stood at my gates with a fierceness that I did not feel that I could prevent. His master was focused, determined, and almost
YOU’LL NEVER GET HER TO ORGASM THIS WAY Or feel loved, cared for or truly wanted. If you are treating to your woman like you would treat a one-night stand, hired sex
A CASE FOR HAVING MORE SEX “Women grow numb and men become hyper sensitive.” These are the common challenges that couples face in the bedroom when it comes to giving and receiving
GOAL ORIENTED SEX CREATES EMOTIONAL DISTANCE. THREE TALES FROM THEIR BEDROOMS TO YOURS “Men seek sex and hope for love. Women seek love and give sex.” Patricia sits in my office crying, hands
CHEATERS CHEAT! OR DO THEY? Anyone who has followed me for a long enough period of time knows that I have cheated in one of my past relationships. I cheated on my