NEVER HAVE I EVER BEEN EMOTIONALLY INVESTED IN A MAN... Until now. And this is the sad reality of so many relationships, marriages even of today and perhaps of all time. We want
NEVER HAVE I EVER BEEN EMOTIONALLY INVESTED IN A MAN... Until now. And this is the sad reality of so many relationships, marriages even of today and perhaps of all time. We want
You gotta love Facebook memories. Don't you? I mean they make us laugh, Make us smile, Make us feel our hearts tug, Bring up sadness, Missing, And appreciation. Facebook memories.... This
There is a massive amount of fear, war, and destruction upon our world right now. Its hard to come in contact with someone that is not caught up in the overwhelming
Good Morning Beautiful! How did you sleep? Were your slumbers restful and pleasant or did they have you tossing in your bed? Did you wake refreshed, vibrant and charged for this day or
Today I stayed in my nighty till 1pm. Why? Because that's what felt good for this moment. Seems like a who the eff cares sorta thing, right? Cuz' it does not ultimately effect
Brutal truth shared today! NO ONE CARES IF YOU SUCCEED OR NOT.🤯 No one gives a rats rear end if you do the DAMN THING that you have been saying that you
OMFG! Do I ever have the travel bug up my butt! Here I sit, the sun is out, it's freaking beautiful outside, and my soul, which likes to hop a plane every 5 weeks
You say that you could never do open relationship. That you find it wrong and not natural. You think it could never work and that it isn't aligned with real intimate relationships. You
❄️❄️❄️ I put five ice cubes and peppermint oil in my vagina last night...❄️❄️❄️ and then I mounted my man who had no clue of what he was getting entered into.... Surprise! Aren't