On This Ledge I Found Who I Was.
Stepping out on a ledge I found myself. Sitting on the edge of everything I thought I knew, but discovered was wrong. Not true to who I really am or ever was. Breathing deep
Stepping out on a ledge I found myself. Sitting on the edge of everything I thought I knew, but discovered was wrong. Not true to who I really am or ever was. Breathing deep
I am too much. Truly I am. The way I share, the way I love, the way I enjoy, the way I act, the way I sex, the way I can let
He wants my surrender. I can feel it at my greatest depths. He wants me fully. Open and inviting to his everything. He wants my surrender, and he is willing to work for it. He is
Change vs. Embrace This is the statement of today that speaks so loud to me. It carries with it the reality of how f-cking crazy we humans can be. And none
I am F-cking Sick and tired of all your bullshit! That was how I approached a group of 50+ people last night who have reached out to me about getting help
Assumptions. Have you ever noticed how feakin' wrong you can be on things? Have you ever just stopped and questioned why you are so persistent, so dead set on making sure that
What is freedom to you? I coach a lot on freedom based living. It is a passion of mine you could say. Since I was a small child I knew that I wanted
Most likely not, but who the f-ck knows, right? Most likely not the right time. Most likely not the right person. Most likely not the right opportunity. Most likely not the right energy. Most likely
You are not being real with yourself. Seriously you are not. You may have some ego pop up in you from reading these words, you may want to argue it and fight