WE JUST HAD A DIFFERENCE OF VIEWPOINT HE SAID. There I lay in a fetal position on the driveway cement holding my knee. We had been arguing. He was drunk. I tried to stop
WE JUST HAD A DIFFERENCE OF VIEWPOINT HE SAID. There I lay in a fetal position on the driveway cement holding my knee. We had been arguing. He was drunk. I tried to stop
HE IS NOT NICE. HE IS NOT SWEET. My man is neither of these. And thank heavens that he is not. I could not surrender my feminine heart to a man that was not
THERE I WAS LAYING IN HIS ARMS, HAND ON HIS CHEST, HEAD RESTING NEXT TO IT. We were entangled, like we are each night as we fall asleep. Yet tonight I felt
I WANT TO NEED HIM. This is a statement that a woman made to me as we were speaking about her couple-hood. As I listened to her tale of desire to want
WHEN WE ARE WILLING TO HARM OURSELVES FOR LOVE. Or so we tell ourselves that this is what we are doing. We say that we would do anything for the one that
WE ARE THE ONLY SPECIES THAT WANTS TO GO AGAINST OUR BIOLOGY. Well, mostly we women that is. Guys will claim THIS, but somewhere inside they get it is not so, they
THANK HEAVENS MY GRANDSON'S HEART TRANSPLANT WAS DONE BY AN EXCELLENT SURGEON WITH EXPERIENCE. Right? I mean can you imagine if the task had been handed over to a store clerk or
DON'T LET YOUR FAITH BE STOLEN JUST BECAUSE THE SH*T COMES DOWN. Okay it’s Sunday and I feel preachy. Life has been sharing some reminders with me about: Light. Dark. God. Devil. Good. Evil. It's hard for us humans
DO I OFFEND YOU? What about who I am, my choices, my boundaries, my beliefs, me being me and speaking my truth offends you? 👉Why do you let me have that sort