👉👉👉WHAT MADE ME DROP ALL MY STANDBY MEN...🤯 Yeppers, I just said that. I admitted to having standby men. It's funny this morning sitting in bed with my man, having coffee like we
👉👉👉WHAT MADE ME DROP ALL MY STANDBY MEN...🤯 Yeppers, I just said that. I admitted to having standby men. It's funny this morning sitting in bed with my man, having coffee like we
🧐☠️🤯I CONTEMPLATE DEATH FREQUENTLY... AND THIS IS WHAT I HAVE LEARNED ABOUT LIFE, LOVE, PLEASURE AND JOY BECAUSE OF IT. 🤯💀☠️ "Nothing is permanent." There are few things that we can be
💍"ON THE MARKET" TILL YOU PUT A RING ON MY FINGER. So some say. How do you feel about this? Would love to hear all the comments on this topic. Recently I was privy
👊👊🌹5 Secret Turn-Ons To Seduce A High Quality Man🌹👊👊 Last night over dinner I looked at my man and asked him, "What have I done differently than other women that makes you
🌹MY MAN IS BEAUTIFUL AND I TELL HIM ALL THE TIME...🌹 I recall the first time I told my man that he was beautiful, he looked at me and cocked his
😏I WAS NOT GOING TO SHARE THIS PHOTO...😳 I was not going to share this photo with you because I took it just for my man. I wanted to keep it
👊COMMITMENT DOES NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR "FEELINGS."😳 "But Kendal my feelings matter. If I am not feeling him then there must be something wrong in the relationship. Maybe he is the problem? Maybe
👍GREAT JOB BEING PRESENT IN THIS SO CALLED RELATIONSHIP, BUT YOUR PRESENCE IS EFFING IT ALL UP...👊🤯👊 I am sick and tired of hearing about all that matters is your presence
HAVE YOU REALIZED YET THAT YOUR PREFERENCE DON’T MATTER WHEN IT COMES TO THIS? Know what you want. Know what you don’t want. Don’t get hyper focused on what you don’t want or