That feeling of coming home,

where you feel as though life is fully aligned,

where you have a peace inside no matter how hard the storms outside blow.


There is a stillness that overtakes,

the rhythms of life seem to ripple from your heart,

and you just cannot seem to imagine how the feeling can expand any further,

and yet it does.


Each breath awakens a greater sense of knowing.

Bringing forth a desire to be fully revealed,

to drop all guards,

all armour being put down as the magnitude of authentic sight comes into play.


In total free fall,

going against all that you might have paused over in the past,

fear may rise up but is quickly washed over with your inhale of the reality of what is being presented before you.



as though in a strange intoxication,

a slumber where you are conscious,

where you are hungry for more.

Yet, in full gratitude for this moment.

Accepting that if this were to be the last moment that you would count yourself blessed to the ends of the earth for having just this moment.


This beautiful, timeless moment.

Leaning toward another moment,

breathing in the here and now,

not wanting to miss it.


Full absorption,

of self, of life, of this timeless love.

That seems to have been here making itself known from sources that were false, revealing itself in the eyes of others,

for you to recognize.

Naked before self,

before each other,

under the starry sky,

there revealed in full surrender,

the answer that you have looked a millennia for,

that you fear of missing now,

and here…


Here it is.

Right before you.




Asking for you to be no more than who you are.

Desiring no more than your openness.

Your truth.


It’s terrifying.

It’s breathtaking.

It’s all you have craved,

and you find yourself torn.

A gripping fear of losing it,

of messing it up,

somehow it escaping yet again.

and then the knowing…


The knowing that it is timeless and it cannot be lost.

It has found you,

it has aligned you,

it has awakened and healed your core,

and it is here now to take you deeper than you have ever gone,

to lift you higher then you have ever been before.


There is no need to question,

no need to fear,

no need to worry about your intoxication,

there is only the acceptance of it filling you,

lighting you up and revealing you from your soul level.


For in the eyes of a timeless love,

there is only this moment.


Surrender to it.

Drink it up,

absorb it.

Breathe it in and realize self.

Realize the power that has been gifted,

embrace the passion that is emerging from your soul,

allow yourself to be ignited,

to awaken and be raw,

Naked in every way.


Beyond the physical.

A timeless love is always there,

it is there at your greatest depths of self knowing.

It is what we all are called toward,

but few allow themselves to embrace.


Timeless love is here to reveal our truth.

To open us to our power and see how beautiful we are.


As Always,

Stop Existing & Start Living

“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”


Wanting to tap into that space of learning how to stand naked in every way with life, love and soul?

Reach out to me to learn the steps to awaken your soul today to the freedom based life that you are called to live.