You got this!
You know you do.
So why are you so scared.
Why are your hands shaking,
your gut tense, and your breathing so shallow.
You got this beautiful.
You have had it from the get go.
You have done it before.
You know that you were not designed to just sit on the side lines and watch others live their dreams.
No, you were made to run with the leaders.
You were made to speak your truth.
You were made to share that beautiful ass vision that you have in the pretty head of yours.
You have got this.
And yet you still doubt.
You doubt your ability.
You doubt the time that you have.
You doubt that you have the courage,
the drive,
the strength,
the ability to get it all done and to do it right.
You fear that you will fail.
And that makes you want to just cringe.
That makes you want to cry.
That makes you want to run away and hope that it all just does not follow you.
But at the same time you want it to follow.
You don’t want to let go.
You don’t want to hide.
You don’t want to not allow.
And that is what it is really is all about,
is it not?
Allowing yourself to receive your own effing greatness.
Allowing yourself to stand out in the crowd.
Allowing yourself to be who you were born to be.
That f-cking amazing,
soul that was born to stand out.
Born to run with the 1%.
Those who know who they are.
Who they want to be.
How powerful they can be.
And are not afraid to claim that sh*t.
To claim all their dreams.
Yes you got this!
And if you just simply settle into having it,
it will just happen for you.
You know that all you have to do is say mother f-cking yes to yourself.
So what are you waiting for?
What are you sitting around and hoping about,
when it is all right there in your hands love?
You know what to do.
So just go do it.
Stop making those excuses.
They are not becoming.
There is no power in them,
the power my love is all in you.
And you know you got this.
So just LIVE IT.
Be IT.
Because you are a f-cking powerhouse.
A bad a*s that knows her heart.
That feels so much and knows how to claim it.
Nothing can stop you love.
Unless you allow it too.
And still the only thing that can stop you truly,
is YOU.
You got this!
and have it you shall my love.
Because every time you look in the mirror,
you see your greatness.
It haunts you.
It claims you.
You are not like everyone else, ‘who settles for average and ordinary.
You are a queen.
Not just any queen,
you are a queen who knows her deepest truth,
who desires her grandest heart to be revealed.
You want to be seen.
You want to make an impact.
You know you have a mission love.
So realize this….
Realize that YOU are powerful.
Your focus is magic.
Your heart is your lead.
And the universe has your back love.
So leap.
Leap into that uncharted land,
those waters that entice you.
That you long to swim in.
And let them carry you love.
Carry you to your dreams.
You got this!
As Always,
Stop Existing & Start Living
“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers.”