2020 has been the year where I am reminded that life is not prejudice.
Life does not look at us humans and say you are more deserving or less deserving of anything.
Good or bad,
no matter how we may perceive the story of what we are living,
life does not care.
Life just is.
Life just corrisponds to our energy,
to our emotions, our fears, our thoughts and even in the midst of that,
sometimes shit happens to good people.
Life brings with it a deep suffering until we learn how to let go and let God.
Until we release our need to try and control any situation,
because all situations are out of our control in truth.
The truth of anything is subjective depending on whom is looking at it and how they choose to feel about it.
Life pushes us to reach our limits with strength,
in our courage and in our faith.
Life expands us past the containers we understand to be love and into greater vessels where we learn to hold even more by accessing our core selves and embracing them fully.
When we do this something miraculous happens,
something unexpected happens,
we find reinforcement from something outside of ourselves,
a knowing that there is so much more then what we perceive.
2020 has been the greatest of teachers in this for many people of our world.
It has brought us to our knees,
it has made us question our health policies and organizations,
it has made us examine our world leaders,
and it has shown a light of the illness that still plauges our beautiful home lands.
Life is not prejudice even though we people are often,
and more so then prejudice,
we humans are fickle AF!
We are fickle in everything we live for and desire.
We are fickle in our love,
in our wantings,
we are fickle with our beliefs and our truth.
we will stand and look someone in the eye and tell them that we are there for them,
and when they do not do as we desire we shun and persicute.
We fall in and out of love like we change our under garments.
We change our beliefs, our ideas and our feelings just as quickly,
wagering them on how we feel we should appear to be accepted,
to gain the connection, the support or appreciation that we desire.
And here we fall prey to the human condition of not standing rock solid in our core.
Not knowing whom we are as a person.
And not KNOWING that there is so much more out there for us.
We each were born worthy,
there is nothing more for us to do.
You never become unworthy.
You just choose to hide from your beauty,
to hide from your truth and knowing that God is always there.
That miracles can happen and that they should be expected.
2020 is a year where so many people have lived in fear and shut down.
A year that many are eager to have pass in hopes that 2021 will not say,
“Hold my bear 2020.”
2020 has certainly taken its toll on my family.
It has brought with it pain, suffering, heart pounding moments of fear and agony.
Events that none would ever have believed possible have occured,
and yet in the same turn it has brought with it a beauty,
a stillness and a rendering of the soul that is breathtaking.
Love has been found,
deep wounds have been healed,
spiritual connections of lifetimes past have been reunited,
there is a dance of beauty amidst the suffering and pain.
And I am reminded each day as I light a candle for my grandson who remains in critical care, and as I sit in meditation and breathe in the cool autumn breezes and ponder the darkness of some peoples souls,
that my pondering of the darkness,
my fear over a loss,
that my pain as a mother who can do nothing to but sit in silence and hold space for her daughter, for her son-in-law and for her granbaby that my suffering,
their suffering has a purpose.
The anger that surges through me in moments.
The fear of what tomorrow brings,
the agony of that and so much more is beyond measuring some days,
and yet…
here in this moment of 2020,
where I never thought this nor the other sufferings of the year that have come could ever be so,
I find myself breathing in and turning it all over.
Because what can any of us do but surrender to life in these moments and know that in our surrender,
where we have met the edge of our strength and our courage that this is the space for something magnificent to occur.
This is the space where if we can get out of our own way,
and do so in deep love and certainty,
that we create the space for miracles.
Our only challenege is that we humans choose to focus in on the shadows,
we choose to bring attention and power to everything that we fear and do not want for.
We spend more time focusing, nightmaring and emotionalizing the darkness then we do the light.
Many people have come to me the last month and asked me how I was doing with everything happening with my eldest two daughters and thier families and the recent break-up of myself and my three year relationship.
My truth is such,
I am at peace.
I am in love.
I am elated.
Despite the suffering and pain,
the fear and the anger.
My core knows its truth.
And that the truth of my core is that the ONLY THING ANY OF US CAN DO IS STAY ALIGNED TO SOUL.
Stay aligned to God.
To Source.
Because when we do this we will feel peace and love and we can then hold loving unconditional space for those in our lives and in this world.
When we feel anything outside of love and peace,
joy and happiness,
it is a sign that we are not aligned to who we really are and that we are focused on ill perceptions of the truth instead of what could be.
Miracles happen when we believe that our reality can shift and that we are worthy of that shift.
This Thanksgiving I encourage you to look at your life,
to look at this world and ask yourself where you are being a victim?
Where are you choosing to view life in darkness instead of light?
Where are you stomping your feet and pounding your fists with a concept that it is not fair and that you had nothing to do with the suffering that may be upon you?
And realize this….
There are no victims,
we are all volunteers,
no matter how dark the day may seem,
you have a choice to get your thoughts and emotions aligned TODAY to what you truly desire.
Aligned to happiness.
And it starts with GRATITUDE and RESPONSIBILITY.
What do you choose to focus on.
In loving gratitude to 2020 and to you my sweet follower for today,
for your soul lighting up this planet at this time in our history and for your beautiful heart that you choose to share with those in your life.
Happy Thanksgiving!
And As Always,
Stop Existing & Start Living
“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”
— Lets crank out 2021 in a spectacular way.
Reach out to me about abundance minset and life coaching for next year today.
Let’s make 2021 a F-ck Yes! Year.