This is a question I believe that we all need to ask of ourselves.
Especially at this time in our world.
On my left thumb I wear a ring with Ghandi’s quote,
“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
Imagine if we all came at life from this perspective that Ghandi shared so many years ago?
Imagine we started to ask,
are we spreading love and compassion, understanding and grace or are we spreading fear, hatred, control and darkness to our fellow humans and this beautiful world of ours?
How would our actions change?
How would we start to view ourselves and others?
How would we feel about who we were?
It’s always a choice.
Each of us no matter our backgrounds, have choices.
We all have the ability to change what we are thinking and how we are relating.
We all have the ability to be proactive or reactive.
We all have the choice to be kind and act, speak and feel from a place of love (God, soul) or to cast out evil from our lips and actions while swimming in a pool of negative based thinking.
These things NO ONE,
Nothing can steal from us.
And if we started to come at life from this perspective instead of the control based thinking out of fear of others not doing what we deem right or wrong,
or our fear of losing,
or our fear of not having enough,
or being too much,
then perhaps we would actually see the changes in the world that we want so badly for.
Because what are we all wanting for truly?
*Health and wellbeing
*No suffering
But here we are,
fearing that we will not have these things and hating on our neighbours and family if they think or feel differently then we do.
And as we sit in our hatred and fear,
throwing stones at each other and wanting to be understood,
refusing to listen to each other or feel how desperately our fellow human is only wanting for the same as us,
just saying it from their vantage point,
we become part of the problem.
We feed the fear.
We feed the hatred.
We feed the separation.
We feed the hell that is rising up that we all are so terrified of.
And as we fear it we attract more of it into our world and lives.
And as we stand in our fear,
on all sides of the coin of difference,
each side proclaiming they believe, they have faith, they are focused on the truth, that the truth will set them free, etc, etc….
What are we actually focused on?
Who are we choosing to be in these moments?
People of FAITH?
People with OPEN MINDS?
People that are SOUL ALIGNED?
People who LOVE THEMSELVES? or others?
People who believe in FREEDOM?
Or are we faithless, fearful, control hungry, out of alignment, closed minded, hateful, judgemental, critical, and thinking that freedom can only be served up according to our rules and guidelines or its not right?
I write this message today to ask you to inquire within yourself these questions and to be honest with yourself.
You will NEVER know the truth until you can find it within first, and this means that you have to love yourself enough to embrace your shadows and get vulnerable in who you really are and that you are fearful.
Because we all have fear right now.
We are all blind in some way.
We are all lost to a degree.
And in shock.
But warring has never made any problem go away.
It has only made the fire bigger.
And this fire has been burning for centuries already.
It is the problem of fear.
It is a tool that controls our spirit and separates us from our truth,
from our worthiness and ability to see clearly and love unconditionally.
Who are you choosing to be?
And where are your thoughts taking you?
Be the change you wish to see in this world by starting with loving yourself first.
And As Always,
Stop Existing & Start Living
“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”