Life can be a fight.
Life certainly can be a struggle.
And you know how crappy that can feel,
When it seems like you are rubbing your penny’s together trying to make ends meet.
Living pay check to pay check,
Or maybe not even knowing if there will be a pay check or where funds will come from.
You sit in the fear of not knowing,
You feel the burning desire to have things be different,
You look into the eyes of your children and avoid your own in the mirror.
Plotting and planning,
Looking at opportunities,
Trying to keep hope alive but feeling the stress of reality.

Life can be fight in these moments.
You are fighting for what feels everything.
Fighting for survival.

And you know how you can change it?
You can change it by simply stopping to fight.

Stop fighting for your suffering.
Stop fighting for the scarcity of everything you desire.

Stop arguing on behalf of why the life that you want is not showing up.

Do you get it beautiful?
Can you see that all your fearing and stressing,
Your reasoning as to why it is the way that it is and your need to chitter chat and gossip about how messed up things are in your world is the true culprit of creating your mess.

Yes beautiful,
You are fighting the fight,
Because you feel like thats what you should do.
You are sharing your stories because you want it recognized that you are suffering despite all your focus, time and hard work.

You are wanting others to pat you on the head and say that they see you,
They see all you are doing and support that its not fair.
To say that you are so deserving and they too don’t get why things are the way they are.

Yes beautiful,
You are fighting to keep alive your suffering and lack.
You are fighting to be understood for your not having.
You want it to be okay.
And so you argue with anything or anyone who says it could be different.
Including your own heart and soul.

Its hard to hear our truth,
Its challenging to be responsible for our lives.
But if you are to ever have your dreams manifest,
Then its time to get clear.

Life is only a fight when you are the one fighting with it.

You were born to be thriving.
Born to experience well being in all areas.
You were born to feel the path beneath each step that you take and take it in ease,
Because your nature is that of one who lives in flow and creates consciously,
But you my beautiful are fighting against your truth.

And arguing in favor of the life you claim to want to change.

Its time though.
Its time to step forth and look yourself in the eyes,
To acknowledge the fears and support you have been offering those fears.

Its time claim the life that you were born to live,
The love that you were born to embrace,
The abundance that you were born to experience,
Its time beautiful to claim it all.

Take just 20 seconds out of your chaotic day to sit with yourself,
In stillness and rest,
Rest your mind and heart on a dream and hold it up to the heavens of your soul to be revealed.
But you must hold on to it from a place of having,
A place of loving,
And let go of the argument.
Let go of the fight.

In love this Mothers Day Weekend to all the mama’s out there who work so hard at keeping it all together and raising their babies ❤.
You were born to lead mama,
You were born to create,
Let your children see the superwoman that you are.

Live Unbound and free.

As Always,
Stop Existing & Start Living
“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”

Message me for deets on my 1:1 coaching opportunities. I can kick your ass from anywhere, globally.