A few years ago I was out at a local pub that my ex and I would pop into and have a drink. It sorta was his “Cheers” for anyone who can remember the show.


You know a place where everyone knows your name.


And I was sitting down enjoying a martini with a woman that my ex was friends with her and her husband for years prior.

We were chatting about all sorts of stuff, among which was professionalism.


She informed me that she could NEVER work with someone who had tattoos.

She went on to tell me that tattoos make you unclean.

And that only under educated people had them.

Her passion about the subject was powerful,

She certainly had a hatred toward tattoos and it sounded like she looked down on anyone with them no matter whom they were.


Yet she counted me as someone to go out to see Andrea Bocelli with,

to kick back and enjoy drinks and dinner with by the pool,

to share her relationship issues with,

and amazingly she even hugged me to say hello and goodbye.


In the midst of her deep sharing on her hatred and disgust toward people with tattoos and how unprofessional and unclean they were,

I sat there with my hands and arms on the table not inches in front of her,

baring both arms with….


You guessed it.


TATTOOS on them…



Yeah, she was preaching her disgust to her friend.

I shared with her that I worked with many people who had tattoos, and she said yeah but those are people who need life coaching, help in life, not people who are professionals.


I laughed.

Because my clients have always been those who are professionals, business owners, CEO’s, doctor’s, attorney’s, poloticains, fellow coaches and therapists, etc.


Affluent people.

85% of my clients are in the upper 2% of America.


And guess what?

They have tattoos.

Many of them do.


When I shared this with her,

she huffed and said,


“Well, if I ever found out that my doctor had a tattoo he would not be my doctor anymore. I cannot have someone like that touching me.”


Yet she hugged me hello and goodbye.

Her logic made no sense.


As most critical, judgemental people who are caught up in

“it’s my way or no way, and you are stupid and need to shut up or be removed from humanity if you think, feel or act differently then I do, ” rationalize.


These same people will turn and point fingers and call everyone who is not caving to their beliefs and fears self-centered, bad citizens, using their privilege, elitists.



In my line of work I get hate from time to time.

And I actually am grateful for it,

because it shows me area’s that I can improve my own inner world. It also show’s me that I am speaking from a perspective that is not average and ordinary.


And that thrills me because I do not want an average and ordinary life,

Living a F-ck Yes! Life and changing others lives to having that as well requires you to not go with the attitude of average and ordinary.


There ain’t now THRIVING in average and ordinary.

There is not GREATNESS in it either.


My mission is to help ignite as many people to their power and worthiness and tap into their abundance and flow with God as I possibly can in my lifetime,

and this unfortunately stirs many of the ordinary thinkers and perceivers of life out there to want to strike me down for many reasons.


“You need to shut up because…”

“You are not professional because..”

“You are wrong because….”

“I can’t trust you because….”

“You are stupid because….”


From my typo’s to my purple or blue hair,

from my open relating and tattoos to my I don’t give a f-ck what you think and use of the “F” word,

my authentic relating drives average folk crazy mad that they cannot control it and that despite all my flaws and my typo’s and tattoos I am THRIVING in relationship, money, health and making a positive mark in this world because I CHOOSE to do so.


I write this today,

because at waking my thread was bombarded with my fellow coaches and leaders out there being under attack for all the above reasons and more.

The judgment and criticism spewing around in hatred is like a storm that has no way to settle,

and it is sad to me that so many people in the world right now are living with such disgust and rage in their heads and hearts that they find a need to try to tear down another just because of differences of views, desires, beliefs or even looks.


This kind of stinking thinking WILL NEVER solve any problems.


It will only keep the fires burning and cause more pain and suffering.


When we can come back to actual critical thinking,

using logic and heart in harmony,

viewing our fellow human as just that,

another human with their own dreams, desires, fears, beliefs and opinions,

and that, that is perfect,

that being human does not mean that we are all cookie cutter the same,

then we will be able to heal ourselves and our world at a deeper level.


Until then we remain blind to love.

Blind to healing.

Blind to true world or local community.


Until then we have lost our humanity,

and are slaves to our fear of difference.


Where are you at in your judgements of your fellow humans and how are you desiring to control those who are the same as you?


Can you imagine what life would be like and who you would actually be if you put down all your fear based thinking and just allowed yourself to be YOU?


This is your truth love.


And remember,

Stop Existing & Start Living

“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”


Ready to stop your stinking thinking and claim your true power now?

Let’s chat. Message me for deet’s on how to get started.