With all the worlds chaos and turbulence, I am witnessing a massive amount of said “lightworkers,” Christians, believers of faith and LOA, genuinely “good” souls fall prey to the misconception around a lie that they have bought full heartedly into.


It is funny how we humans are so eager to jump down one another’s throats in ego and pain.

We point fingers of blame and cuddle up in our victimhood statues of reasoning,

quick to accuse others of being blind, low vibe or even spiritually bypassing issues and feelings but, then in the same turn of spewing out all these negative charges show frustration and even fear toward truth that does hurt.

Toward truth and awareness that does not fit into what we call “spiritual” or “high vibe.”

We shun the concept of awareness that is not always uplifting.

As if seeing the true pain, sorrow, or darkness that does mask each of us in its own way and the world in general can just be ignored fully and by ignoring and ONLY focusing in on the good that we will somehow make the evils go away.

It is sort of like the child who is afraid of monsters in the closet so they hide their head under the blankets of their bed and tell themselves as long as I think happy thoughts then there will be no monsters,

but in reality, the monsters they are hiding from are their abusive parents fighting in the hallway.

We will never make the evils of this world go away.

That is the truth.

What we perceive as evil is here for a reason, it is upon this planet to create contrast.

Without contrast in our world, we can never know what we desire or want for. We would not evolve and expand.

It is only through contrast that we fully experience living.

But here is the conundrum for humanity, how are we to manifest good if we witness the bad and get caught in it?

The key is getting caught in it or not.

There is this concept that feeling sad, angry, upset or any emotion that is not even keel is not good, is not natural.

It is encouraged in many belief structures and in how we raise our children to hold in the pain and anger and not let it out unless we want to be perceived as weak.

This is a falsity and one of the unhealthiest programs that we teach.

With this we have enwrapped ourselves in the idea that AWARENESS ….

AKA Consciousness.

is only and always to be UPLIFTING.

And when we share awareness that is not uplifting that we are in turn trying to fear monger.

Now don’t get me wrong, what we are all witnessing in our world of current and for many generations is just that from our leaders and media,

We are for sure being programmed by our trust in them and through television programming systems,

just as planned by those that control.

I am not speaking of the agendas of those who crave more power and are corrupt to the core.

I am speaking about the rest of society waking up to the truths that these dark souls are hiding in plain sight from us.

I am speaking about the fact that in order for you to heal anything or make powerful uplifting changes that you must….

First, become AWARE of the issue. And this may not be uplifting to awaken to the reality of a nightmare.

And second, see what the contrast that this nightmare is offering to your level of desire.

From here we can make significant change.

And yes, focusing in on it after this point, getting caught in all its entrapping’s of fear and darkness will not change it to what you desire for instead but rather help it to gain power through the momentum of your fear around any such troublesome topic.

Your awareness transformed to true sight of what the opportunity that is actually being offered,

which is a desire for something better,

for healing,

for love and peace,

equality and safety,

etc. can then be fully embraced.

It is here in this AWARENESS which is uplifting when we empower ourselves with our true heart,

that what we focus on grows.

Here we can now CONSCIOUSLY move ourselves from witnessing the nightmare to putting our focus on what is good in our world.

When we consciously choose to move our focus and experience onto good, we create better.

And we do not get caught in the nightmare although we are aware of it existing.

This is not spiritual bypassing or ignoring of any sort.

It is being proactive with our life expression, thoughts and feelings.

It is not just hiding our heads under the covers and “trying” to think good thoughts but, in turn moving ourselves authentically into good feeling experiences which means to focus on the sun coming up each day, the people in our lives who love us, our dog excited we are playing fetch, our child hugging us, our lover desiring us, the food in our fridge, that our car works, our heart is beating, the birds are chirping, Ozarks has a season 4….lol

Whatever makes you genuinely feel good.

That is the ticket.

And to hold this good feeling though for just one minute each day without doubt.

Did you catch that?

Without doubt.

Doubt destroys the feeling.

Doubt pulls us back to the fear and the hiding and from there we fall into our pain bodies and fight amongst ourselves which in turn keeps the fires of our world burning ever so more greatly.

To create the world and the life that we desire most for. We must become AWARE and we MUST learn to find the beauty and empowerment in our own darkness.

When we can be grateful for our darkness, we will then be able to see its truth in its offering to us and make conscious choices to breathe into life the world we crave most for.

Embrace the contrast.

DROP your thoughts on this in the comments below.

And AS Always,

Loving you from here.

Stop Existing & Start Living

Rene Schooler