Shaky Knee’s & Stairs
Shaky Knee's and Stairs. These two things do not get along well. And yest they are a match made in heaven. Looking down from the second floor stairs, Looking at that first step, feeling my
Shaky Knee's and Stairs. These two things do not get along well. And yest they are a match made in heaven. Looking down from the second floor stairs, Looking at that first step, feeling my
There he was. He was perfect too. The perfect man. His smile, the glimmer in his eye's, the way he stood. That voice. OMFG! That voice. Everything about him was my hearts desire. He
What happens in the brain during an orgasm? Without nerves sending impulses back to the spinal cord and brain, an orgasm wouldn't be possible. Just like any other area of the body, the
pros·ti·tute (ˈprästəˌt(y)o͞ot/) (noun) 1. a person, in particular a woman, who engages in sexual activity for payment. The above is Google’s definition of a prostitute, and this is the common definition across
Little girls are taught to smile, be polite and make sure to not ask for too much or be too demanding. Little girls are told that it is their responsibility to
1. Sex is God's good creation. God in his great wisdom, for his glory and our good, has chosen to place us in a world where sex is a significant part
“My body is tense and tight as are my emotions and heart. I feel little love, appreciation or compassion let alone toleration. Or perhaps that is all I feel. I
WOW!!!! I cannot believe how quickly this year has gone by. So many amazing adventures and beautiful people have shared this year with me. This next week is Thanksgiving, there
Hypogonadism, a medical condition amongst men where the body is unable to synthesize and distribute an adequate supply of testosterone through their body, is a common concern amongst older men,