On This Ledge I Found Who I Was.
Stepping out on a ledge I found myself. Sitting on the edge of everything I thought I knew, but discovered was wrong. Not true to who I really am or ever was. Breathing deep
Stepping out on a ledge I found myself. Sitting on the edge of everything I thought I knew, but discovered was wrong. Not true to who I really am or ever was. Breathing deep
We try so hard to be something. Something that many of us do not even know what it is. We desire to be loved, to be desired, cherished. We want to be accepted. And we believe
Becoming a child without a parent is a strange adventure in this life. I say adventure, because it really is just that. It is so much more than just an experience. It
This morning I find myself sitting here feeling some uncalled for tension in my shoulder and neck. I did not wake with it. I was not consciously thinking thoughts of
I am often so captured by fear, I cannot move forward. There are so many time's in life where I find myself just pausing, procrastinating and what is without a
Change Your World by Brian Tracy "You cannot change the world, But you can present the world with one improved person - Yourself. You can go to work on yourself to make yourself Into the kind