Men Who Can’t Lead and Women Who Can’t Submit
GIVE ME YOUR POWER. I AM THE MAN AND WHAT I SAY GOES. Another laughable topic of today's time. The man who acts like this and believes that he is worthy of
GIVE ME YOUR POWER. I AM THE MAN AND WHAT I SAY GOES. Another laughable topic of today's time. The man who acts like this and believes that he is worthy of
"Baby you know I want you to love me! All I want is for you to tell me how you will do this! So I can think of you loving
SO YOU THINK YOU KNOW ME.... I mean we have been dating for sometime now after all. And you are such a sweet person. I love how you make me feel.
I am so effing hungry. I want for so much. My body desires to open. To feel, to have, to be taken. I long to be dominated and ravished. To
Just another day in paradise. Just another day living, breathing. Nothing happening here. Or is there? I think there is luv. I think there is so much happening here. And what is happening
Travel, its something I love. And if you follow me then you already know this. But you may not know why I adore travel so much. I love travel because of
Your criticism enables my scarcity mindset! Why can't you just be happy for me? Why can't you just smile and let me live my life? Why do you have to always try and
Sitting here eating breakfast and my phone goes off... It's a text message from a man I have known for over a decade now. A man that makes my pussy throb
Can you imagine starving? Can you imagine what it must be like to be so hungry and not have food available, or to not be able to consume the food that