Dear Mr. Can I Get Addicted to Energy
You wrote me this morning asking if you could become addicted to this surge of kundalini energy that has awakened inside of you through integration sessions, and even though you
You wrote me this morning asking if you could become addicted to this surge of kundalini energy that has awakened inside of you through integration sessions, and even though you
THE SURROGATE WIFE OR HUSBAND About four years ago I was basically married to a man, all the married things without the paperwork attachments. We lived together. We paid bills, raised
OUR TRUST IS BUILT ON THE FOUNDATION OF TRUTH... But is that true? We would like to believe that it is just this way, however if we are honest with ourselves there is
I LOVE US IN ALL OUR RAWNESS. Even though we look between the lines, we come back to our truth, to our commitment to keeping it real. We breathe in deep, as we let our
WHAT'S IT TAKE TO NEVER WANT TO HAVE ANOTHER SECOND DATE AGAIN? The short answer for me is: a soulfully deep raw elevated authentic relationship. Should be a piece of crumb cake,
CAN WE JUST F-CKING STOP WITH BEAUTIFUL. Seriously, you say that word so often I do not think it is achieving the results that you think it is achieving. On any day of
THEY ARE CALLED YOUR EMOTIONS FOR A REASON. Truth Bomb Here. Are you like most of the world that believe that others are responsible for your emotional state, for the feelings that YOU
Dear Brother – I am in joy. I am also scared. First, thank you. Thank you for showing up in her life in the way that you have. You’ll be exchanging eye gazes,
It is frequently assumed that I go on many dates with many men.. It is assumed that to be a coach who teaches people how to have more, and deeper better