Why Women Stop Being Playful in Relationship “I just feel he is uninterested or too stressed often so I don’t ask or try.” Carly says in frustration as she shrinks down
Why Women Stop Being Playful in Relationship “I just feel he is uninterested or too stressed often so I don’t ask or try.” Carly says in frustration as she shrinks down
YOU’LL NEVER GET HER TO ORGASM THIS WAY Or feel loved, cared for or truly wanted. If you are treating to your woman like you would treat a one-night stand, hired sex
SO YOU SAY THAT YOU WANT A COMMITTED RELATIONSHIP, IS THAT TRUE? Before Craig and I were “a thing,” meaning before we chose to date, to be in an intimate relationship
💥💥🌹WE WOMEN BOND WITH MEN PHYSICALLY💥💥💥 Meaning we bond with men through physical connection. Sex! and Touch. You have sex with a guy and have an orgasm and you my beautiful are bonding
STOP BEING A SLAVE TO YOUR ENERGETIC CONNECTIONS & FEELINGS… Today’s world of woke and consciously aware, has a slew of us hyper focused even more than normal on our “feelings
6 THINGS THAT CREATES COMMITMENT AND MAKES YOU ATTRACTIVE AF TO MEN. My friend says to me, “Men just don’t want me the way they want you. I see the way
COMING TOGETHER IN THE WOUND... OR TOGETHER IN THE HEALING... We meet our mirrors at different points in time on our life journey. We are intrigued, even aroused by these meetings. We sometimes catch