Today’s world of woke and consciously aware, has a slew of us hyper focused even more than normal on  our “feelings and energy.”


As wonderful as this is in the evolution of humankind, it has it’s down side as well. 

I hear often and have even been guilty all too frequently of saying myself, “ I felt this connection.” – “There is just something there.” – “This ‘feels’ so juicy, good, in alignment.”


Quickly follow that statement up with, “I am just going to follow that juicy, good, yum feeling because it must be there for a reason.”


Fearful that if one does not follow the feeling, the energetic connection that some loss might happen. That it may be a mistake to not explore those waters, after all an awake, conscious soul feels into things and then acts from there. 


Yes, exactly!



Not, feels in and must follow the feeling into the action of saying yes to the “vibe.”


This makes us slaves to such connections. 

It makes us blind to possible outcomes that may not be in our best interest and takes away critical thinking that most certainly has its place to keep us aligned to what we ultimately want in life. 


We women are especially guilty of the above. 

We often believe things to be innocent or a sign from the universe or God, that we blindly throw ourselves, our lives, our goals, our boundaries and whatever else in the crossfire with all the best intent of just expanding ourselves, thinking the best of people and following our hearts. 

Now I am the last person to ever say,
Don’t listen to your heart.. 

I believe that the issue often is that we are NOT listening to our heart, to our soul and THAT is what creates these moments of “following the energetic connection” to begin with. We say it must be here for a reason, but how are we to know if it is in true alignment with us if we are so far away from ourselves because of our past inability to state what our needs, desires, wants, boundaries are to begin with? What if we “think” we know ourselves but only keep landing ourselves in a pile of crud because in truth we have no business following such energetic connections because they are actually out of alignment and only feel good because they feel better then what we have in our current lives in whatever category? 


I spent this weekend having some deep discussions around this very topic. 

And in my share about my past, many many moons back ( like 22 annual cycles back), when I was in a bad marriage, lost in who I was, but could not see that lostness and did not have the tools to recognize just how out at sea without a paddle I was, I had an affair. The shame of then still resides in me today and comes up every now and then, such as in my conversation this weekend. 


Back then, I was attempting to speak my supposed truth. 

I was attempting to say what I needed. 

I was attempting to show my fear and pain. 

I was attempting to ask for my needs and boundaries to be met. 

And I was failing miserably at it. 

In my blindness I was numb to life and to certain “in my face things” that I just brushed off as innocent. And because my husband did not argue with me on the innocence nor stand to fight  for me, I assumed that there was no worry. Blend that with the emptiness and disconnect that had formed from being in a marriage that was not healthy in any fashion and daily stress of motherhood, being broke off my rear, and not feeling safe or loved a space for desire was birthed. And as is always the case, when something is missing for a long enough timeline and it is not recognized, desire calls into it an opportunity to be fed. 


In my case…

An affair.


For years, I supported myself by saying that I just followed the energy. 

That I did not know how or what to do with the advances. 

That it felt so alive to be acting in that energy of playful flirtiness (and for a long period that is all it was, innocent right?…lol)

I felt like a helpless slave to these feelings. 

These callings that made me FEEL.

Which is what I was craving. 

To feel loved. To feel wanted. To feel supported. To feel cherished. To feel playful. To feel alive!

If I had only recognized that this desire to feel was the root. 

Then maybe I could have been more objective about how to go about feeling alive again and not make the choice to cheat on my husband, but to see that there was a massive void in my marriage and instead to do the work and make the requests that could have either changed the relationship or opened up the reality that the marriage was not healthy and may have served its contract. Therefore instead of creating a space for shame and guilt, trauma on both of us, I could have freed us from the relationship to go on and have healthier ones with more aligned souls then we were for each other. 


But I was blind to my own unalignment to self. 

Therefore a slave to what I believed was a feeling or energetic connection guiding me toward something better.


Granted I do not condemn self or others for falling prey to our blindness. 

All decisions somehow in the end lead us to growth and coming home to self IF WE ALLOW them too and wake up and do our own inner work. However that is what is required, waking up and choosing to see that just because we have a whim, a feeling, a supposed connection, crap even if we get struck by lightning to at very least pause and ask ourselves, “How does this action of following this feeling, energetic connection or vibe support my long term happiness, goals, relationship?”


Does it align with what I truly desire and who I want to be?


If I had slowed down back then to ask myself this I would have known even in my numbness, my desire to feel alive and loved, my blindness and belief that it was there for my best good that the choice that was about to make had lifelong implications and although it may carry its moment of beauty and lessons, they came with a price that I work to repay for the rest of my years. Not to my then husband or even to God, but to myself. 


I created more work for myself by pretending to be a slave to my feelings and a victim to the energy and desire then what was needed for me and I turned a corner with that one action, that one false yes that carried with it a ripple impact of decisions to come. 


And so, I ask you today…

Man or woman…

Where are you allowing yourself to be a victim, a slave to the “woke concept of following your feeling and the energy at all cost and what price are you willing to pay for continuing to be blind to you and what your true alignment to soul is saying?”


As Always, 

Stop Existing & Start Living

“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers


Helping dynamite powerful souls like yourself discover love and fulfilment is what my passion is. Over the last two decades I have worked with hundreds of women & men such as yourself to call in their soulmate by aligning to their truth. I have guided countless couples not to just rekindle a love that they thought was lost, but to create an empowered turned on and fully aligned partnership based in love with 8 simple steps. If you are a woman or man who is looking for happiness, love and abundance in life and is sick and tired of just getting by, reach out to me for a FREE Clarity Call today where we will define exactly what is holding you back, what you are wanting to call in and the next best steps to achieve your desired life. Message me to set up your FREE Clarity Call today.

Photo Credit To Dande Lion Images, Plano Texas.