Why She No Longer Gives You Here Heart or Desire!
7 Reasons Men Lose a Woman’s Heart & Desire Alright gentlemen, this one is directed at you because there are a few things men do consistently when engaging in relationships that
7 Reasons Men Lose a Woman’s Heart & Desire Alright gentlemen, this one is directed at you because there are a few things men do consistently when engaging in relationships that
How to lose a woman in three steps. Or man for that matter. Like most of my musings shared, these words can be taken to heart by either sex. So, you want
Safety In Relationships - What That REALLY Means! Relationship. Most humans want a relationship, They are looking to be loved, to be cherished and cared for. One of the main things I hear over
👊💥👉NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR "ACTIVE DESIRES" OR AFTERCARE! NOR SHOULD THEY...🤯💥👊 Earlier in the week I wrote on leveling up your relationship by going monogamous, or why some people feel
IT WOULD HAVE BEEN EASIER. "It would have been easier if he did not behave like a psycho. Would have been easier if he did not destroy things. Would have been easier if
IF YOU EVER LOVED ME. If you ever loved me you would not let me hurt like this. If you ever loved me you would rethink your actions. If you ever loved me
I HATE YOU.... YOU EVIL PIECE OF SH*T! I will show you my pain. I will make you feel how badly you have hurt me. I can't believe you ever loved me. I can't
WE RISE AND WE FALL... This is the cycle of love. This is relationship. We lean in and we reveal our deepest aspects, trusting to be fully received, to be held and loved, here in
How Prince Charming Looses His Charm. Alright gents, here is a little musing that you need to read if you have a lady love or you ever want to be in