OMFG! Come on people. When are we going to actually act like adults? And stop the hating, the attacking and the immature hostility from the other side of a screen?
Today I find myself simply shaking my head at the goofiness of some lost souls out there who find it somehow beneficial or I am assuming fun or powerful to verbally attack others through email.
Yesterday a friend and fellow coach was sharing with me about a man who had approached me last year for this “AMAZING Opportunity”
( I say this while shaking my head and laughing 😂)
who now was reaching out to her for the same AMAZING Opportunity and he still seven or eight months later has not found a co-presenter for the project he was creating.
Well, that is not the issue.
The issue is his approach.
He started off by knocking her down and belittling her work and style. The same as he did to me last year. Attempting to make himself high and mighty and so awesome that one such as myself or my friend the other day should be in deep gratitude and honor of him even messaging. 🤔
Well, then today I open my email and if you recall a post I made last month about THIS AIN’T THE EMOJI MOVIE – and people demanding respect and to be taken seriously or asking for another person to prove who they are all the while while they are sporting an effing cartoon pic for their profile image,
yeah that little rant.
Well my emoji dude is back at the emailing again!
🔥🔥🔥Ain’t that hot NEWS!😂🔥🔥🔥
So this time Mr. Wizard Image decides that he wants more details on one of my recent home study courses.
He inquires asking for details that are clearly stated on the write up of the workshop.
I message back with a thank you for your inquiry and here is a copy/paste of what you are asking for.
And his response goes straight to belittling my work.
My value.
My coaching.
My authenticity.
My education.
And proclaiming that he does not want any of my marketing nonsense….
Here is the thing people….
We are ALL MARKETERS of something.
We market ourselves to our mates.
We market ourselves to banks to gain a loan for a house or car.
We market ourselves to our employers.
Anyone who believes that they are not in marketing,
that sales is nonsense is living in some illusion.
And to believe that making rude, low ball comments about someones art ( because us marketers, coaches, educators, healers, practitioners are all F-cking Artists),
is going to get them something????
Of which I really don’t fathom what these gents are trying to achieve here other than to look like as*sholes.
And perhaps the only point of my little tail today is that a*sholes message me sometimes and no matter how loud or rude they might be,
Knowing your value and standing firm to it,
whether it is financial based,
emotional based,
energetic based,
or something else,
shows that one loves self enough to honor themselves and
It also reveals that one who does not settle,
has learned to not take head to outside opinions, judgments and opinions when they feel they are living from SOUL.
No one else can ever know what is right or correct for you.
Anyone who shares a perspective with you is sharing from their vantage point,
their life experience,
and their base need of your reaction.
Listen to your SOUL.
Never Settle.
And Never let small minded,
immature as*sholes knock you off your path or shame you.
Just like myself.
As Always,
Stop Existing & Start Living “Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”
– KW