The feeling of addiction in love.
And I have always bought into these concepts.
I have believed that we must be fully who we are before we can say YES with our heart and soul to another.
And yet here I stand before you telling something different…
Today, I enter the next 365 day cycle with the man that I call home.
I see not only how deeply he completes me, but that he does this through restoring my soul union with his own.
He creates space for me to challenge myself to see clearer who I am.
In his gaze of watching me, I feel his loving support and admiration.
Each time that he holds my hand, that he grabs my pinky with his, I hear his soul say, “And we are one my love- I got you.”
As I view the last cycle around the sun with him,
I find myself in awe and appreciation for every flicker of life shared over the calendar.
The majority of my appreciation comes from his consistency and fierce focus of dedication to making us better as a team.
Never waning away from his core guidance and always assuring me that he trusts mine. Reminding me to listen to myself.

And to step from there.

Over the course of my time on this planet I have come to differ with this concept. Learning that relationship, especially intimate partnership, is what defines who we are and heals us from our inner struggles of doubt, fear and lack of worthiness to self-love.
It is only in these close bonded relationships that we are requested to move deeper into who we are and to give grace to who we have been.
When someone holds us in the eye of appreciation and love,
When we are supported in compassion and desire for all that we can be, and our wounds are not blocking the vision of what the other see’s in us, we find ourselves mirrored back through their loving gaze.

This very feeling of home is what makes a soulmate bond so addictive.
It is much like soaking in the morning rays of sun as they beam through the blinds of your bedroom window. As you awaken, there is the soft luxurious comfort of down pillows, the most comfortable bedding supporting your body and as you hear the birds chirping, you stretch and awaken to this brilliant new day. Not wanting to leave this time and space for it is so comfortable, so needed. You want to just absorb it and never let this blissful, peaceful moment in your day escape. You want to live here.
You are safe.
You are supported.
You feel good into the deepest marrow of your bones.
And love resides right here.
This is home.
This is coming home to your soulmate.
This is addictive in nature and makes us want to never experience another breath without it in it.
And that my dear is exactly what a bond of a thousand years plus feels like.
As we dance around the sun another year,
My commitment ever grows to this man.
My surrender to reveal my truest heart births at deeper levels each day.
And as I catch his gaze upon me,
reminding me as to just how beautiful, powerful and worthy I am,
I step into a greater love for him,
and thus a greater love of me.
You see, a soulmate love is not for the weak of spirit nor heart or mind. It is beyond challenging, and you find yourself facing your scariest of demons, cleaning out closets of old traumas and wounds, programmed ideas that you have purchased for your own beliefs and now in the arms of your soulmate you are requested to walk away from everything that is not you.
To put down the armour that holds you back from your power.
To surrender to your glory, through the grace of this love.
You will be required to work more on yourself then you have ever had to work before.
The excavation of your truth,
of your soul is a tedious and scary journey.
As you discover the treasures that make you who you are,
and you look up into the eye’s of your soulmate,
your heart will rejoice in celebration that they stood there,
as your rock, your center, the words of guidance and you my sweet will find your soul saying YES…
Yes, my soul married you a millenia ago,
and my body, mind and heart marry you today.
Here on the altar of our love.
Of our deliverance to self.
I surrender.
We unite.

I write this ode to the soulmate,
I share this musing from my restored heart.
And I pull forth these words from a thousand years ago,
In hopes that you find something here my love.
It is my wish for you,
That over this next dance around the sun,
That you let go of all that is not you.
That you come into defining yourself through the greatest of loves.
And that you see it’s challenge as a restoration of your truth.
For that is exactly what it is.
And you are worthy of this.
As we all are.
As Always,
Stop Existing & Start Living
“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”

It is time to say YES!