Miracles are the way we are supposed to live.
They are not supposed to be “miracles” but normalcy.

Your resistance to that normalcy is what makes them far and few between in your life.

Have you ever known a “lucky person” ?
You know that person who just wonders through thier life seemingly have things fall into place just in the right time.
Meeting all the right people.
Having great ideas and having everything just come to them that is needed to make them manifest.

We all know someone like this.
And each of us have experienced moments like this.

They are AMAZING.

And thats what God/Universe has intended,
for miracles to be wonderous,
But part of our everyday experience.

You see a miracle is a lapse in your normal resistant thought.

Did you catch that?
Its a LAPSE…

In your normal resistant thought.
So if you simply surrendered more often to what feels good,
And allowed yourself to be happy more often,
Allowed yourself more opportunities to daydream your reality,
Then guess what you would have more of?


You would open yourself up more to the things you desire.
To the joy and abundance in life that you crave.
Now you may believe that you are doing this already,
And you most certainly might be,
But you can tell if you are or not by what is manifesting in your life right now.

I get it…
You may look at tour life and the shiz that is taking place,
You may have yourself convinced that you are a positive person,
That you are thinking positively,
That you are just going with the flow,
But if you are struggling love in any area of your life,

Then let’s get effing real!
God/universe has NOT opted to make you the redheaded step child of it.
Life has not shunned you.
And made the laws of the universe different or more difficult just for you.
Life is not trying to teach you some extra life lesson and its not telling you that you have to earn it or suffer more.
All the while making amazing shiz happen for others.

No love,
The simple reality that you have to get right with is that your norm is RESISTANCE.

Resistant thought.
Resistant emotions.
Thus resistant vibe.

And that means that YOU are the one who is making it harder than it needs to be on you.
Because yu believe it has to be hard.
You believe that you must suffer.
You believe that miracles are rare.
You believe so much crap,
And that’s what is sad.

You “think” that you are something that you are not.

You are blind to your piss poor attitude.
You are blind to your effing mask of fake positive.
You are blind to the reality that you think more about fearful things then you do miracles.

But love,
It does not have to be this way.

You can change it right now.
You can commit to something different.
You can let go of these crazy concepts and all this arguing for “why you don’t or can’t have”
And instead choose to set a new tone to your reality.

Are you ready?
Are you ready to say yes to you and to miracles?
Are you ready to get conscious about the truth and catch those crazy crappy thoughts that are creating all this misery and turn them around to a miracle normalcy?

Because you can.
But you have to have the desire,
The belief, and the motivation.

To stand out from what this world deems normal,
And in turn make your normal magical.

Lets go.
You are worthy.

And as always,
Stop Existing & Start Living
“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers ”
Message me today for opportunities to overcome your fear and step into a F-ck Yes! Lifestyle now.