And yet it never is.


A long time ago when I was living in Seattle, Washington I was attending a church in Kent with a pastor that I adored. I learned so much from Pastor Jack. He was focused on teaching the congregation about blessings, about our glory and how that translated into the law of attraction.


I still make use of his teachings today with my clients almost daily and in my shares here with you as well.


Among my favorite things he shared were,


“More than enough with plenty left over.”


Which always commanded in the belief and feeling that we are always provided for,

that we always have more than enough in the things that we need with plenty left to share.

And that the leftovers are there for us to do just that …..SHARE.


And then his other reminder of truth that I have kept in my heart and mind all these years was focused toward relationships….


The relationship of marriage.


And in today’s world,

which even though greatly different than that of just 15 years ago when Pastor Jack was preaching his wisdom to me,

is still all the same.


His words of truth were simple.


“Marry your best friend.”


Those words made me look at my marriage,

and perhaps were words that supported me to divorce a few years later.  Although back then I would have felt the need to confirm that I was best friends with my then husband,

the reality was not that we were best friends.


We got along on a ton of items,

but I found that I had to restrict myself in so many ways,

and that was not friendship,

and certainly not best friends.


When I am working with couples today in my coaching practice many come to me troubled and on the cusp of a breaking up because of so many things…


*Not enough sex or bad sex.

*Financial issues.

*Abuse of one kind or another.


*Lack of sexual desire.



And most couples will start off their tale by telling me that they are best friends with their spouse,

that they can tell them anything,

that they have fantastic communication.



fill in the blank from above list here.


They believe that if they had more sex/better sex or a stronger desire for their partner,

if they were physically attracted more to them,

if they had more money in the bank,

or what have you that their marriage would be perfect.


Now the reality is that if you are in an abusive relationship ( no matter what that looks like) that chances are you need to get out of it because an abusive partner often does not see their wrong and change,

if you are in a relationship that has suffered from infidelity,

There can be work done and you can repair it and even come back stronger than ever before if love and communication/friendship is at the front stage of both parties minds.


The desire for more sex, better sex or having more desire for your partner…. these things can be detrimental if the friendship and love are not there first and if both parties are not open to raw, real discussions based in truth and love to work on these challenges,

but if both parties are wanting the connection and can be emotionally mature to take responsibility for self and speak their truth and work together on these items,

then you can have a deeply strong bond and the sex and desire can grow from it.


The relationships that come to me wanting these things,

often have one MAJOR obstacle however…


One partner is stubborn and refuses to see the truth.

Refuses to take the matter seriously or take the time and effort required to build this part of the relationship. They don’t believe that it is their problem and that the other partner is to blame for it and needs the fixing.


However that is never the case.

Relationships are always a two way street.

It always requires both people to want to connect and come together. It requires both parties to take responsibility for themselves and to not get caught up in their old wounds from the past.


Unfortunately, this is where the relationship breaks down.

People often don’t want to do this.

They want the easy street and they say,

“Love should be easy.”

“Love should be perfect.”


We are all human.

And there is no such thing as the perfect human.

If you have a list of fifty qualities that you want and count highly important in a mate,

and you believe that you will get ALL of these qualities in one person and until you get them all that you will not settle,

I ask you to look in the mirror and ask of yourself if you exhibit all fifty of them yourself?


You are never going to find someone who is 100% of those qualities a hundred percent of the time.


They are human.

You are human.

And life changes and transforms us.

Some qualities can be developed over time.

Some are just there and a natural part of who we are,

some are based on energetic connections,

while others have everything to do with our gene pool.


If you are counting any of these qualities as love though,

you are mistaken.


Qualities do not define love.


They add to love.

They sweeten the pot.


Love is something that you cannot explain,

nor does it need to be explained.

It just is.

And when it is felt on both sides now you have something special.




When we can do this with someone,

we feel acceptance and love for self and it translates to “loving someone else” because we see the reflection of what we are feeling for self as what we see coming or going toward another.


When we “fall in love” or catch feels for someone,

what is actually happening is that we are witnessing ourselves in love. We are falling in love with self and this other person is simply helping us see our own beauty.


That is why the best friend statement is so powerful.

In friendship there is an acceptance, an unconditional love.

It goes past all that life can change for us,

like our physical bodies appearance,

our health or financial status,

it looks past our ups and downs and even past the chemical connectors that we have on the front side of a romantic relationship that over the course of three to five years diminish and change.


But for some reason, we humans believe that love should be perfect.

That these connecting chemicals should ALWAYS be there,

that the energy and excitement of the first kiss is the way that we will remain throughout all of time,

that the person who is standing before us perfect in their skin of today will never change,

that the feelings that we are having will just remain unwavering.

Or that if we do not have all these sudden rushes of ignition but that we do deeply care and connect in all other ways that this is not or cannot be real love.

That it is “ONLY FRIENDSHIP” and we in turn lower it to that level and get frustrated that we cannot find Mr. or Mrs. Perfect that checks all of our boxes on our list of fifty all of the time.


And so we remain living in search of something that has been offered to us repeatedly.  Believing that if we explore,

if we open ourselves to the love that is there before us and go as deep as we can with it that we are settling,

we are giving up,

that if they don’t have everything that they are not Mr. or Mrs. Perfect and instead are a waste of our precious time.


What we are doing to ourselves in this is denying ourselves the beauty of discovery of love.


Love is a quest of self.

Love is about finding out who we really are through our relating with another.

It is about meeting all aspects of self,

and without relationship we will never meet our authentic selves at any depth.


When we continue to look for perfection in a mate,

What we are actually saying is that we ourselves are not worthy of our own love until we become PERFECT as well.


So how will you ever find Mr. or Mrs. Perfect if you prevent yourself from growing into your whole beautiful self by denying  love to be birthed through a relationship with another imperfect human who is there as your teacher of self love?


Chances are your relationship with anyone will not last  in a forever sense.


That reality although harsh is still a reality.

We outgrow each other,

and as we change sometimes our mates choose a path of slower or limited growth that creates a breaking point in the relationship,

but if we have come together in friendship and love,

then even the parting is done in the same fashion.

And we each can gain what we need for our own development.


It’s time that we start to view relationships and even marriage as the opportunity to explore self and learn to love deeply through the witnessing of another that rivets us deeper into our truth.


Love is always perfect.

It is always perfect for the moment that the relationship is in.

It is never easy,

but it can always be in flow with who we are.


We create our own obstacles to feeling it by trying to make it perfect in every moment and getting irritated with the reality that love, true love requires each party to grow in connection with self first.


Where does your love stand?


As Always,

Stop Existing & Start Living

“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”


Want to learn more about how self-love helps create the grounds to call in your soulmate love today? Reach out to me today for deet’s on 1:1 coaching now.