Sounds fun.

I mean I know that it is fun,

because many of my “work” days….

if you can call them that…

they are more play days because energy is fucking fun,

are just about that.


Dominating people’s energy.

Manipulating it you could say,

and then teasing it,

playing with the quantum field that is all around all of us and that we are manifest from.


Energy is playful.

Energy does not react well to being forced into some tight container where it cannot flow.

Sure when you constrict energy you certainly create a surge,

but that surge often does not come out the way that we desire it too,

and it is most often not playful.

Let alone sexy.


We humans have been taught to hold our shit together at all cost.

To not feel because it will make us vulnerable.

To not reveal our emotions because we will not be taken seriously.

We have been taught, brainwashed into believing that we are to constrict our energy.

We have been told that this is the proper, safe and mature thing to do.


When in truth what this containment of our energy does is the direct opposite to the desired reaction.




We never learn how to manage our energy.

How to hold it.

How to feel it.

How to direct and guide it.

Leaving us feeling scared of who we are and our power.

Making us separate from our truth and feel lost, abandoned in life.


And all because we never were trained on the importance and power of our energy.

Let alone the simple fact that we are all energy beings.


Science today is finally catching up to ancient spirituality.

Thank heavens.

And it is proving that thought creates emotion,

it is proving that our consciousness directs events and actual energy flow.

We can heal ourselves and the world with our consciousness or we can destroy it.


Our desire to control the situation,

to control others and the end results,

our desire to have a timeline and know what to expect,

our desire to have problems and make logical sense out of everything,

is evidence of how disconnected we humans are still from our souls.

From God/Source.

And thus from our truth.

And our truth is that we are fucking powerful.

The same consciousness that created universes moves through each of us and is wanting to expand.


Expansion of energy is not about forcing God into a human sized box of control.


Harnessing your energy has nothing to do with squishing it into some perfect package that society has told you it needs to be in nor avoiding your feelings and emotions,

avoiding your beautiful heart center.


Expansion and harnessing energy means to tap into your heart,

to feel your desires fully, accept where your life and vibration is at, look at what you need to do to bring your vibration into a matching frequency with what you desire,



Play with your life.

Play with your power.

Let play and fun rule your world,

meaning ENJOY LIFE.


This is how you manipulate energy and design the life of your dreams.


You want that lover in your bed.

The money in your bank.

The health.

The freedom in your time.


Well the only way to get it is to learn how to enjoy the life that you are living today and to play with your day, your energy, and lean into letting go of your need to control everything and get it all right.


You will never be done.

Do you get that?


You are never going to be done until you are six feet under.

Then, then you will be released from this physical bondage where you are learning how powerful you are.

Once released from that bondage, you KNOW how powerful you are.

But this life that you are so terrified of living,

so scraed of fucking up in,

this life needs you to love it and enjoy it so that it can provide you with tons of opportunities to love it and enjoy it.


Otherwise you will exist all your days here on earth living with the energetic immaturity that keeps landing you into pain and suffering, loss and abandonment, fear and lack of worth, as well as not knowing how to deal with self and emotions.


You see when I say that my new professional title should be energy dominatrix,

What I am saying is that I help my beautiful fellow souls access their power through them learning how to surrender and trust me to guide the energy that they have held constricted and been fearful of feeling for years into a state of full being processing.

Where they get an opportunity to witness themselves in a fresh light,

and feel.


Yes they move from the armoured up, tense, stressed and anxious soul who is hiding from their greatness into an individual who knows who the fuck they are and is in love with themselves, their lives, their past and sees the path before them because they finally get that they are the architecht who is designing it.


They learn to surrender to themselves.

Surrender to their truth.

Surrender to enjoyment.




and they smile more.

they laugh more.

they sex whole heartedly more.

they penetrate the world with who they really are and the world receives them fully and grants them that turned on, ignited fuck yes life where all those who are still blind to thier power and caught up in their egos and thoughts stand back and say,


“They are so lucky.”


But it is not luck.

It is creation.

And they learn how to do it by letting go of all that shit that they have been holding on to and that has been weighing them down.


They let it go on my integration table.

They let it go in our walks together.

They let it go in our conversations.

They let it go in our deep soulful eye gazing sessions.

They let it go in our holding sessions.

They let it go with tears and laughter,

by being vulnerable and letting me see them.

They let it go and they end up feeling full on who they are.


This is where we all are to be my love.

This is the truth.

And in reality,

you don’t need me for any of this.

All you need is to love yourself enough to commit to letting all that shit go once and for all and dare to step out and trust that life has your back.


Dare to believe that you are the architect of your life.

Dare to love yourself in full abandon.


And play.


Because baby you are worthy of it all.



Now for anyone else out there,

who would like a little assistance,

well I am hear to smack you, kick your ass,

snuggle you as you blow snot in my hair,

watch tears fall from your beautiful eyes,

and build you up in love.


That  just requires you being sick and tired of messing around and feeling the way that you do.


It’s time to level up your life and say FUCK YES TO YOU!

And let YOU BE SEEN. 


I see YOU. 



As Always,

Stop Existing & Start Living

“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”


Global peeps reach out about my October Asskickery Program that is happening now. I have only 4 spots still open for this program that will get you some loving smackdown and pick up over 4 weeks of private intensive coaching with me.  Message me for deets.


We start October 1st, 2020


Local peeps,

you may want a bit more intensity and some hands on.

CHeck out my signature Tantric Integration Bodywork Series where I really am an energy dominatrix 🙂 with your best interest at hand…

Reach out and ask me about Program and opportunities there.


*Photo Credit  Dendelion Images – Plano Texas