I View All My Clients As Lovers.
It is frequently assumed that I go on many dates with many men.. It is assumed that to be a coach who teaches people how to have more, and deeper better
It is frequently assumed that I go on many dates with many men.. It is assumed that to be a coach who teaches people how to have more, and deeper better
You can't touch this.... Touch. Hands on attention. Something that is so needed, so human, so intimate and connective. Yes touch is something beautiful. Unless it is not wanted. Unless it is given
Only the divine masculine can hold space for a relationship with the divine feminine. You say that you desire a relationship with a woman. A woman who knows herself. A woman who is
Playful. Aroused. She calls you in. She wants your all, And will not settle for less. She knows your core. Your desires. Your fears. She hungers to give herself. As she laughs and moans, Expecting. Anticipating. And calling you in. Yes she awaits
You can't jump right in! You have to make her feel you You have to slowly earn her trust You have to stroke her heart until she opens And when you think she is
"Emotion rising up, I can feel it strong in my chest. Tears want to stream from my eye's and escape down my cheeks. My heart is beating just a bit faster
I know what I want. I know my desire. I feel my heart yearning. Calling for me to breathe, breathe life back into it. To not fear love. Or to be loved. To not belittle love, offered at
You say you can hear my smile in my voice. You say that you want an opportunity to court me. You say so much... It is not your words. It is all in your
I am the girl. I am that girl. You know the one. The one that makes your heart beat faster. The one that makes you smile. The one that makes you want to be more