WHY WOMEN KEEP MEN IN ORBIT. We women are like Saturn. We have many moons in our orbit and these moons (although not 82 like Saturn most likely) are men. They are
WHY WOMEN KEEP MEN IN ORBIT. We women are like Saturn. We have many moons in our orbit and these moons (although not 82 like Saturn most likely) are men. They are
STOP BEING A SLAVE TO YOUR ENERGETIC CONNECTIONS & FEELINGS… Today’s world of woke and consciously aware, has a slew of us hyper focused even more than normal on our “feelings
WHO DOESN'T WANT TO WAKE UP IN LOVE? It’s every girl's dream right? To wake up wrapped in the one’s arms that you just cannot get enough of. That you find yourself just
HOW TO MAKE YOUR MAN CRAVE YOU FOREVER & COMMIT. My man makes me juicy hot without even trying, but it's not him. It's what I do to him to get
A WOMAN'S WORTH… Today I woke feeling pathetic, unworthy, as though I have no value to this thing called life. I sat here this morning over breakfast doing the thing that I
6 THINGS THAT CREATES COMMITMENT AND MAKES YOU ATTRACTIVE AF TO MEN. My friend says to me, “Men just don’t want me the way they want you. I see the way
UNICORN & SNOWFLAKE MEN - WHAT WOMEN THINK THEY WANT, BUT WON’T RESPECT. And that is what it all comes down to. RESPECT. Maybe I am a bad, bad, girl who just is
EFFING SICK & TIRED OF THE WOKE, CONSCIOUS, DIVINE REAL MAN EPIDEMIC I HEAR FROM BOTH SEXES…. Such utter bullshiz! It’s a hot topic, right. Every woman wants just this. A man that
LETTING YOU IN ON A LITTLE SECRET TODAY, REALLY A VULNERABLE SHARE OF MY TRUTH… I love to numb out. When a wave of emotion or “feelings” come my way and I