I admit that I have not been feeling over the last few weeks a sense of power or ecstasy even. However Monday was different!With Gabriel (my 2 yr. old who you see above in the picture) I had committed to having a fully natural birth. With my five previous births I did not even realize this was an option, I tried to be as natural as possible, never accepting the idea that birth had to be some sort of “illness” or painful, never surrendering to the concept of loading up on drugs and getting a spinal or an unnecessary C-section. But I did believe that my body would never go into labor on it’s own and that I had to be induced with pitocin to get things going. Gabriel changed all of this for me. My birthing center and midwifes changed all of this for me. And for the first time in my womb-manhood I was blessed with an orgasmic divine NATURAL experience. This Monday, I got to revisit this natural high of childbirth, power, emancipation as a woman and as a human. I got to experience my strength, my courage, my own love of life. I got to feel my body in it’s total divine state of creation and with that came a flooding of oxytocin. The love drug that is released during orgasm or when we are first falling in love. Except it was not just a small dose of this happy drug, it was a massive dose. Did I feel pain, yes! but was it unbearable, NO! Matter a fact as my birthing center reported on Facebook after Rowans birth, “Seventh time mom laughed and chatted her way through labor and got in the tub just in time to welcome her biggest baby yet. A 9 lb 9oz 22 inch baby boy. Congrats!” Perhaps it was the oxytocin or the warm water that I labored in. And again, what did I bask in through 4 and half hours of labor Monday? It has been my experience that if we learn to attach to these moments of power and love throughout our lives and fill ourselves with gratitude for them that we can take from them and craft a life that is well lived and experienced. It is through these moments that we can discover what true orgasmic bliss is. No amount of finger pointing, labeling of ethnic background, spiritual belief, education level or other will ever change this fact. HUMAN-HOOD is the experience we were all born into and it is up to each and everyone of us to be proactive, responsible and mature enough to take our ego’s and set them to the side and DISCOVER LOVE. Imagine a world that was focused on servitude, gratitude and love.What would this sort of world be like?Imagine a state of your experience where you could live in the sensations that I speak of above.What would your life be like?Monday was a pivotal point of further emancipation for me. In my labor and in the final 25 minutes of hard labor I got to feel myself and life fully. I got to go outside of myself once again and feel the energies around me. I found myself attaching to two things: 1) breathing in the moment that I knew my partner Scott was assisting in the catching of our son and 2) feeling Rowan enter our world in love. Life is powerful. STOP being small and be who you were intended to be. You are not here just to work some job, pay bills and be concerned about how you appear to your neighbors, friends, family. You are here to be YOU, the best version of you that you can imagine! |
Rowan Oliver Born January 26th, 2015 9pounds 9 0unces and 22 inches long. –KW |