EVERYTHING THAT WAS STILL IS. Yesterday was magical. It was tranquil. It was adventurous. It was testing. I had technical difficulties left and right, and then the ocean tide came and tried to steal my romantic
EVERYTHING THAT WAS STILL IS. Yesterday was magical. It was tranquil. It was adventurous. It was testing. I had technical difficulties left and right, and then the ocean tide came and tried to steal my romantic
You gotta love Facebook memories. Don't you? I mean they make us laugh, Make us smile, Make us feel our hearts tug, Bring up sadness, Missing, And appreciation. Facebook memories.... This
Thoughts turn to feelings, and what do we do when we have been programmed so hard core to have negative thoughts, or to feel guilty about certain things, or shame even? How do we
How do you define your reality? Many years ago I was attending a study group consistently focused on the technology of the soul. In my study, I was consistently asked to witness
Keeping it all together can be effing difficult, can it not? 2020 has started with a BIG BANG, and not the kind that equates to eye's rolling in the back of
You Can't Do It For ANYONE else but YOU. You really are the center of the universe. I know that may sound like a ego based statement, it may appear to
Maybe you should too. Not MY wife — yours.— I’m always anxious to read the latest advice from sex columnists about how to have amazing sex. My problem is that they
Why do you need stories? Stories give shape to experience and allow you to go through life with clarity. Without stories, life events and experiences would float around in some
"The moment of relief is when you drop the oars and let the stream turn you. Surrender and ask for what you need." --Abraham Hick The question that we all use