YOU’LL NEVER GET HER TO ORGASM THIS WAY Or feel loved, cared for or truly wanted. If you are treating to your woman like you would treat a one-night stand, hired sex
YOU’LL NEVER GET HER TO ORGASM THIS WAY Or feel loved, cared for or truly wanted. If you are treating to your woman like you would treat a one-night stand, hired sex
Are you willing to do what it takes to have the relationship of your dreams? There are essentially 3 kinds of relationships: Traditional, Conscious, and Transcendent. Each serves it’s own purpose.
When things first get sexy, mental chatter can drown out our partner’s heavy breathing. Sometimes, we’re not even aware of how our inner monologues effect our pleasuring behavior. I think
The elusive female orgasm, what is it and how many types are there? For many years and still in some views women don’t have orgasms. EVER! Yet the majority of
I am no authority on teenagers…there are very few in my life. But I was one once, so certainly I have that under my belt. And as I sit on
~“Let’s go down by the river where we can be alone and enjoy the stars. I have a blanket in the back of my truck.” Says a young man of