On This Ledge I Found Who I Was.
Stepping out on a ledge I found myself. Sitting on the edge of everything I thought I knew, but discovered was wrong. Not true to who I really am or ever was. Breathing deep
Stepping out on a ledge I found myself. Sitting on the edge of everything I thought I knew, but discovered was wrong. Not true to who I really am or ever was. Breathing deep
I feel goofy! I feel silly! I feel like a BIG effing kid. And that is what makes me, ME. Often my grammer sucks. My spelling even worse. I put exclamation points where they don't go. I LOVE
I have a fantasy. I am sure you do too. I sit with it daily, get lost in it frequently. I can feel my heart, my soul, my whole being wanting it to just
You know what soul alignment is? It is living by your motherf-cking TRUTH. That is what SOUL alignment is. And that is exactly why you look out into this world and hardly see
We try so hard to be something. Something that many of us do not even know what it is. We desire to be loved, to be desired, cherished. We want to be accepted. And we believe
You are doing it because you think you should. You are doing it because you feel you have too. You just keep doing the damn thing that you know at
I got this for you. I got you this thing. I got you this thing that I had to get you. I am sure you will love it. I know you will. I got this
Why I always called my ex-husband after having HIGH VIBE sex.... Say WHAT?🤯 Okay today I am going to share an intimacy tale with you that I have shared with very few,
You ebb and you flow. You wake up feeling effing amazing one day and then as if some sort of curse that you have no control of, something happens. Something takes over. And you