Dear Mr. Can I Get Addicted to Energy
You wrote me this morning asking if you could become addicted to this surge of kundalini energy that has awakened inside of you through integration sessions, and even though you
You wrote me this morning asking if you could become addicted to this surge of kundalini energy that has awakened inside of you through integration sessions, and even though you
What to Do When He Pulls Away? Pulling away is a form of rejection and our brain may treat rejection of any sort as a physical pain. One of the hardest things
Relationship Lessons We Can All Learn from Depp Vs. Heard This morning my partner and I sat in bed, drinking our morning coffee together and chatting about what's on our agendas, our
ZERO SEPARATION. It's funny, I have never thought of myself or witnessed myself to be a jealous person. I have not thought myself to be territorial or possessive. I have never been a
IF YOU EVER LOVED ME. If you ever loved me you would not let me hurt like this. If you ever loved me you would rethink your actions. If you ever loved me
OMG! I am so addicted to Ozark. I have been just loving this Netflix series and a person like myself that never really sits down to watch television of any sort.
The comment that rings loud to me from today is, "You can see who is in integrity. You cannot manifest over $22k overnight if you are not!" Yes this comment. So true
There he was. He was perfect too. The perfect man. His smile, the glimmer in his eye's, the way he stood. That voice. OMFG! That voice. Everything about him was my hearts desire. He
You can ravish your woman so deeply that her surrender breaks your heart into light. - David Deida Lot's of Cock & Under-fucked " I feel nothing. I crave feeling you penetrate