When I think of you I smile.
You know it is true.
You know who you are.
And why it is so.
When I think of you I feel all warm and happy.
You can hear my joy in my voice.
You can feel me in our conversation.
You know who you are.
And why it is so.
When I stand in your presence,
my heart soars with love.
I know that you feel me.
I know that you want more.
And you know who you are.
And why it is so.
When I find myself in your arms,
head against your chest listening,
each beat of your heart makes me wish to go deeper.
The feeling of safety, the feeling of depth,
I value my surrender to you,
and I want more.
I know that you can feel me.
I sense it in everything you do and say.
I know that you crave me.
Your goal to penetrate.
My whole being.
When you touch me,
my flesh ignites with passion and joy.
My body wants to open,
I know you can feel me.
I know you want more.
And with those words,
delicate yet firm.
“Open for me.”
Is all I ever need to hear.
It is your confidence.
It is your desire.
It is in your expression.
I can feel you my love.
I do no doubt this journey.
I do not doubt this feeling.
I am reveling in all that we have.
This moment is all I desire.
I can see how you look at me.
I can see the wanting in your eye.
The words that you share,
that you think,
but hope I do not hear,
yes those words my love.
I have absorbed them.
As they are your’s ,
and revel in them too.
Oh my sweet love,
this moment can last us forever.
A thousand lifetimes if we allow it to be so.
This moment is all we have.
And I want to spend it with you.
But how can we move forward?
How can we say I do?
When fear still exists between us.
When we are lost in our hopes,
insisting on something new.
Your words keep me focused.
Your words are the key.
Yes my love,
the wisdom is right here before us.
It speaks to us when we unite.
“Open to me.”
Is all we must allow.
It is the answer to our love.
The answer to this moment.
And to the next one as well.
“Open to me.”
and let me receive you…
Here my love is where we will dance.
Here is where our home is.
No further than the space between our bodies,
our energy meets.
Our hearts are entangled.
It has been so for awhile.
Longer than we may admit.
Our hearts have a desire.
Our bodies yearn for more.
Our souls are guiding,
and so our minds have been made up.
But will our voices ever say the words?
Will we be heard by one another?
Or will be dance in this moment,
wanting for more,
but fearing we may never.
“Open to me.”
and let me receive you.
Receive you fully.
Drown me in your love.
As it is all I want to drink.
And revel in it I will.
This moment.
This lifetime.
The silence is deafening.
For all those lovers who have drank from the pools of their hearts,
who have longed to be felt as they feel their lovers.
Who have lost,
who have been absorbed,
who have danced and are still dancing.
The beauty of this thing called love.
Its desire to be present in our lives,
making itself known,
fleeting at times,
it is all that we humans crave.
The unconditional.
The passionate.
The intriguing.
The deep.
The vulnerable.
The romantic.
All of the love.
We want it.
And we fear the loss of it.
The answer to having is so simple.
The answer is here in these words.
“Open to me.”
Yes open.
Open to the love.
To your lover.
and to yourself.
Surrender without reason.
And revel in the moment.
For love,
no matter how long it may last,
is always worth the moment.
Blessings to you my sweet,
may you enjoy a lifetime of love.
And as always,
Stop Existing & Start Living
ONLY a few days left till Boss Life- 500 Closes.
I have two spot’s still open for this f-cking amazing opportunity to work 1: 1 with me and get your 2019 kick started into greatness.
But maybe you don’t care.
And that is okay too.
I am just telling you that this is an AMAZING AS F-CK opportunity to get the private signature coaching that you might want and most certainly will need if you want to level up your life for 2019.
So yes,
I am telling you to stop what you are doing right now, go to this link right HERE
and register before it is too late.
Stop giving excuses.
Stop saying you can’t do it for whatever reason.
Just stop with all the crazy nonsense that your fear has you blabbing and
SAY F-CK YES! to yourself baby.
Claim your life right now.