WHY I DO SEX DAILY.... I have sex almost daily. It's just my THING. I do sex daily yes because I love sex, but more so for what sex gives me. And
WHY I DO SEX DAILY.... I have sex almost daily. It's just my THING. I do sex daily yes because I love sex, but more so for what sex gives me. And
SO YOU THINK YOU KNOW ME.... I mean we have been dating for sometime now after all. And you are such a sweet person. I love how you make me feel.
Every woman wants a guy to have a rockin' resume! I mean all of us want that night in shining armor. We want him to be tall, dark and handsome. We want him
I know how much you want it. That THING... That THING that you crave at your core. You can taste having it, right. You body tenses from the idea of getting it.
How dare you give me what I want so quickly! There has got to be some sorta catch if what I want is just showing up without me having to earn
NO ONE GETS TO DECIDE IF YOU ARE WORTHY! YOU JUST ARE ALREADY. Worthiness. Your worthiness. Yes that thing that you may think you are lacking in or don't even have any of. But
Just another day in paradise. Just another day living, breathing. Nothing happening here. Or is there? I think there is luv. I think there is so much happening here. And what is happening
Travel, its something I love. And if you follow me then you already know this. But you may not know why I adore travel so much. I love travel because of
WHY FAKING IT UNTIL YOU MAKE IT IS A BAD IDEA... A long time ago I remember sitting in a self-growth workshop in Sacramento, California. I remember my eagerness, my excitement,