
“At the back of the womb there lay flesh that demanded to be penetrated. it curved inwards, opening to suck. The flesh walls moved like a sea anemones, seeking by suction to draw his sex in… She opened her mouth as if to reveal the openness of the womb, its hunger, and only then did he plunge to the very bottom and felt her contractions…” – Anais Nin, Delta of Venus

I don’t know about you but if you are a woman and you read this quote I hope it make’s your pussy contract the way it does mine. As my eyes linger across each word of Nin’s I can feel the rapture of turn on in my body. My mouth dampens as does my pussy, deep contractions start to form in it’s velvety walls. My clit pulses with anticipation and hope to soon be sucked as my cervix screams in her own language, YES, YES. Even my breasts feel more engorged with each breath while reading.

If you feel little to nothing from reading those words then perhaps you are one in the ever growing field of women in our western world that suffers from hypoactive sexual desire disorder. And this ladies, is a REAL issue.

Gentlemen, if your reading this and you are thinking:
“Damn, I want to make a woman open to me like that.” or
“What the heck is she speaking of? penetrating the womb? what?”

The above quote is referring to a cervical orgasm where yes your finger or cock may actually, safely and pleasurably for both parties penetrate the cervix. David Deida refers to it as a cervical kiss on the head of your penis.

Sadly this can only be accomplished if a woman is properly stimulated, relaxed, trusting and full of desire. Many women in today’s world and time just are none of the above, while many men of today’s time do not know how to get the ladies in their life to this state of luscious being and do not have the sexual education outside of porn to achieve these results that will keep a woman in orgasmic bliss for hours and sometimes even days. The high and release that a woman get’s from this experience DOES indeed carry her for a long time and is something that she will never forget.

This sort of orgasm is not achieved by how “big” a man is.
It is not achieved by how long you have known each other or been dating.
It is not achieved by hours of thrusting and grinding away.
It is not achieved by how tight a woman is or if she has ever had a vaginal orgasm or G-spot orgasm.

The main key to this orgasm is preparation!

As with anything that is worth it’s weight in gold and let me tell you a cervical orgasm is worth 10 kingdom’s of gold in my opinion, one must prepare the grounds to be fertile and have patience, understanding and flexibility. Both parties must be willing to take it slow, check in constantly and remain as open as possible.

So how do you “Stoke the fire” in tantric terms?

This can be a difficult feat in today’s world. With anywhere from 27-34% of women (that is more than double of the male %) experiencing low sexual desire and because women are feeling an all time low in sexual function and desire they are looking at men with pointed finger’s saying, ” You are a sex addict and have a problem.”

Our sexual education in society is limited to put it kindly and tainted by shame, embarrassment and fear. In general we the people are scared to get our f**k on!

Especially we women.

Women are built to be f*ked, we are designed to be f*ked open deeply by our men. Our pussies once re-opened to the pleasure, energy, healing and joy of orgasm are insatiable.

It is high time that we wake up and realize that what we think we know about female arousal and sexuality is simply out of date. Women NEED sex. A healthy woman want’s sex and enjoy’s it, deeply. She eagerly opens into the raptures of orgasm and she goes deeper then her clit can take her from a few moments stimulation. She understands that through her sexing she can heal the trauma of her vagina and overcome such epidemic issue’s as: depression, weight-gain, irritability, irregular menstrual cycle’s, fatigue, chronic migraine’s and headache, stress related issues, lack of clarity and instead boost her immune system and become a creative muse full of desire, direction, love, forgiveness, passion, and empathy.

A woman empowered through her sexing is a beautiful and rare bird to see. She is an angel not afraid to soar to the highest of highs and fully reveal herself to her lover. She is equally comfortable in walking through the fire’s of life vulnerably without being a victim.

She is radiant! Her fire is stoked.