HOLDING SPACE FOR SELF AND DESIRES IS F-CKING HARD SH*T! Man is it ever. And most people are not strong enough to do just that. They want to sorta throw up all their
HOLDING SPACE FOR SELF AND DESIRES IS F-CKING HARD SH*T! Man is it ever. And most people are not strong enough to do just that. They want to sorta throw up all their
JUST FOR THE FUN OF IT. Thats all it is to be. But you my love are afraid of your point of attraction. You are afraid that you will be too much. That you
I WAS FLOATING IN A SEA OF SENSATION. There I was, our flesh touching. The water lapping around my breasts and shoulders. I was breathing the moment and all the feeling
LOVE SHOULD BE PERFECT. And yet it never is. A long time ago when I was living in Seattle, Washington I was attending a church in Kent with a pastor that I
SOME DAYS YOU QUESTION... IS IT EVEN WORTH IT? You know those days where your chest feels so tight it hurts to even try and take a shallow breath, and you know that
One of those days when my energy goes to left field... Or maybe it's right field. Or maybe right at the pitcher. IDK. It's always interesting though on days like this where I feel
Today I visited Hemingway's home here in Key West. I love Hemingway's work. And after listening to the tour guide share tidbits from Hemingway's history, I can now understand why I love his
A LETTER TO THE MAN I SHOULD HAVE MADE LOVE TO... Open. Connective. With eyes like a stormy blue sky. Your smile greets me in warm anticipation every time that we meet. I feel
Have you ever noticed how much time and energy you spend arguing for your limitations? Even after you get what you want. Yesterday I co-taught a class for men on consciousness and