Are Your Relationship Idea’s Making You A Prostitute?
Every woman wants a guy to have a rockin' resume! I mean all of us want that night in shining armor. We want him to be tall, dark and handsome. We want him
Every woman wants a guy to have a rockin' resume! I mean all of us want that night in shining armor. We want him to be tall, dark and handsome. We want him
pros·ti·tute (ˈprästəˌt(y)o͞ot/) (noun) 1. a person, in particular a woman, who engages in sexual activity for payment. The above is Google’s definition of a prostitute, and this is the common definition across
As of late, I have been under a bit of scrutiny from several people about my sex coaching business, everywhere from friends to family to other colleagues who all have
Maybe you should too. Not MY wife — yours.— I’m always anxious to read the latest advice from sex columnists about how to have amazing sex. My problem is that they
Are You Having Sex Because You Want to Have Sex, or Is There Some Implied Bargain Going On? Today we are going to explore the rather controversial topic of “trading for
“Sex is a risky game, because if you're not careful, it will cut you wide open.” – from the film Kinsey This quote is perfect. It is exactly what sex is