The Ego's a Bitch
Throwing my almost naked body down on the bed, hair still wet from the shower I feel frustration, rage and sadness fighting with each other for their turn on my
Throwing my almost naked body down on the bed, hair still wet from the shower I feel frustration, rage and sadness fighting with each other for their turn on my
~ You would think that one would stop being amazed at the universal energies and how they manifest in our life, yet I swear, the smallest of things still make
Vaginal pain is the number one reason why marriages are unconsummated, but treating and healing this condition is possible.
Recently I experienced truly being made love to. A deep penetration and opening into a transformative healing bliss. It has been years since I felt anything remotely close to this
We're on the brink of going back to the future in medicine. Stem cells, genes and transplants are getting the headlines, but the bigger story may be that medicine is advancing
What magnificent men we can be! An important aspect of the journey for almost every woman who comes to share a healing journey with us, is reclaiming her Yoni. Establishing a
This testimony was shared with me today from a very special client of mine. A divine man opening to his heart and purpose one step at a time. Just in
I am a vampire! There are a group of male vampires at a competitive sporting event. Only ONE will be the winner. I know who he is; it has already been
Often I look around while driving to the office at other people in the rush hour traffic. Some are sitting in their cars talking on cell phones or texting, surfing