💥💥🌹WE WOMEN BOND WITH MEN PHYSICALLY💥💥💥 Meaning we bond with men through physical connection. Sex! and Touch. You have sex with a guy and have an orgasm and you my beautiful are bonding
💥💥🌹WE WOMEN BOND WITH MEN PHYSICALLY💥💥💥 Meaning we bond with men through physical connection. Sex! and Touch. You have sex with a guy and have an orgasm and you my beautiful are bonding
WE ARE THE ONLY SPECIES THAT WANTS TO GO AGAINST OUR BIOLOGY. Well, mostly we women that is. Guys will claim THIS, but somewhere inside they get it is not so, they
ON BECOMING ONE...A PAST LIFE AWAKENING Gazing into his steal blue eyes, tears streaming from his and mine alike. We were caught in this moment. It was a timeless replay of memories. Ones
TIMELESS LOVE. That feeling of coming home, where you feel as though life is fully aligned, where you have a peace inside no matter how hard the storms outside blow. There is a stillness
I DANCE FOR HIM. For his eyes only, On the stage of life. I twirl. An aerial dance under the stars, Amidst the pixies and angels, The fawn and imps. I dance with his eyes looking up
If you want to change the world love a man; really love him Choose the one whose soul calls to yours clearly who sees you; who is brave enough to be