A hunger that you just can not fill.


This has been something that I have been playing with the last few months.



that’s not true.

It’s been something that I have been dancing around with for years now.

And I am f-cking hungry!


Which makes me irritable.

Makes me depressed some days.

Makes me look out into my life and question all that I have and all that I want,

and makes me look at what I am blessed with and say,

“Is this as good as it gets?”


I sound like a spoiled rotten bitch though when I say that.

And perhaps I have become one.

And maybe…

maybe I am supposed to be one.

maybe you are too.


Maybe, just maybe we are all supposed to want for more in our lives.

In our love and in our sex.


But the fear of being perceived as greedy,

as selfish,

and not appreciative stops us from going after what we want for.


The fear of what others will think.

That is the leading sabotager of our dreams.

And damn we are really good at finding reasons that we cannot be fulfilled in life.

Why we “should” settle,

and why we need to just shut up, sit down and stop searching, stop craving, stop wanting.


We are great at thinking that there is something wrong with us,

that we are bad people because we want for more.

Especially when we are a people of so many blessings.



The reality though love is something totally different.

The reality is that the way that this universe and God evolve and expand is through our wanting.

Our desires birth into existence everything that we currently have and everything that will ever be.

The issue with our desires is that they make those around us uncomfortable.

Especially when we start speaking about our sex and money.

These two things we are damned for no matter which way we turn.

If we want more of them then we are damned and greedy, we are sluts and only focused on gratification of self.

If we want for less of them or allow less of them in our lives then we are told that we are not worthy of everything else in life because we don’t have enough of these two things which means that we are unattractive, stupid, weak, disliked, etc.


So no matter what we do, when it comes to our sex and our money we are f-cked and not in a fun or good fashion.


So what can we do with these unholy hungers that we have and we run and try and hide from but that creep up and make themselves known in the most inopportune moments?


How do we curb our cravings to have the love, the sex, the money and abundance without feeling shameful and guilty for wanting more or better? Or any for that matter.

Or for wanting to change things up and play with what we have to try and create something more robust and expansive?


First we have to KNOW…

I mean truly KNOW with all the certainty that we can muster up that WANTING is natural and healthy.

The craving for something is a showing that our soul wants it for us as well and is already in pursuit for it and has found a path.

The negative emotions that stem from our craving of wanting something more and better reveals that we are out of alignment with our soul and with our power. We would not be able to feel this negative vibe if we were in alignment.

You see when we are in alignment we feel f-cking great.

We are focused,

we are clear minded,

we feel powerful and turned on to life,

We have confidence and are loose in our life, able to flow toward what we are wanting because we are allowing ourselves to be taken to it versus constricting ourselves and causing ourselves to get caught up in worry and fear.


Next we have to realize that ALL things…

Did you read that?



They must change.

In order for us to grow,

to heal,

to expand,

to gain what we claim we want,

in any subject area of life,

we must allow for evolution to occur.

We cannot have what we want by remaining the same person that we are today.

Even if we have a dynamic relationship,

fantastic sex,

a bank full of money,

great health and everything that we “think” that we can want for,

we still must allow for evolution to happen within ourselves and our lives as well as within any one of these areas if we want to maintain the area and/or expand/heal it.


You will never find happiness by insisting on things to remain the same.


Just like you cannot expect things to remain at the same level of connection,

the same level of turn on,

or anything else.

Life has its storms,

These storms are about you developing your ideal version of you.

These storms are something for us to learn how to move through in confidence and love,

and that in the storms of life,

we must expect that things will pull from us or push up against us and often this will feel uncomfortable.

But the discomfort is there to alert us to the areas inside of ourselves that we need to learn to lean more into,

speak more truth from,

see more authentically,

reveal in vulnerability more,

and to trust and love on.

These raw spaces that get revealed are the spaces that evolve us to our highest potential.

And thus create the life that we want.

Bringing our dreams into reality.


The yearning.

The craving.

It’s beautiful.

It’s powerful.

It’s revealing.

And it is saying that it is time that you start to pay mother f-cking attention to your SOUL.


It’s time that you start to take notice of that hunger before it becomes a ravenous beast that will destroy you and everything in its path to getting fed.




I am hungry.

I am craving more in all areas of my life and I have an amazingly full and abundant life.

My cup runneth over for sure.

And I want to keep it that way.

Because the truth of the matter is,

only with a full cup can you truly share without fear,

and help others.

Only by valuing yourself to the levels that God values can you give your gift in this world.

And only through the pursuit of evolution through love,

of self can you grow your soul and experience happiness.

Pure happiness.

Because happiness is not about the things that you have but who you become gaining the things that you have.


Who are you today and what does your tale say about your journey?


As Always,

Stop existing & Start Living

“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”



Join me later this month for an expansive workshop about magick, love, sex and the law of attraction. We are going to be putting together the pieces of your puzzle and breaking down the barriers that have been holding you back from saying yes fully to your desired life.