Get The F-ck Out Of The Way!
GET THE F-CK OUT OF THE WAY! Who's way? Your way. Damn straight baby, You are in your way. And you have been blocking yourself from hearing the messages of the universe, For years now. It's time
GET THE F-CK OUT OF THE WAY! Who's way? Your way. Damn straight baby, You are in your way. And you have been blocking yourself from hearing the messages of the universe, For years now. It's time
WTF Did you do over the weekend? Did you live? Did you THRIVE? Each day we gain a new opportunity to do just these things. And each day so many people choose to just
You gotta love Facebook memories. Don't you? I mean they make us laugh, Make us smile, Make us feel our hearts tug, Bring up sadness, Missing, And appreciation. Facebook memories.... This
MIRACLES ARE NORMAL. Miracles are the way we are supposed to live. They are not supposed to be "miracles" but normalcy. Your resistance to that normalcy is what makes them far and few
YOU WILL NEVER HAVE THE RESOURCES IF YOU DON'T COMMIT! This is the simple truth. We are given the opportunity, repeatedly to commit to things that can forever change our lives and
Good Morning Beautiful! How did you sleep? Were your slumbers restful and pleasant or did they have you tossing in your bed? Did you wake refreshed, vibrant and charged for this day or
Today I stayed in my nighty till 1pm. Why? Because that's what felt good for this moment. Seems like a who the eff cares sorta thing, right? Cuz' it does not ultimately effect
Brutal truth shared today! NO ONE CARES IF YOU SUCCEED OR NOT.🤯 No one gives a rats rear end if you do the DAMN THING that you have been saying that you
I am worthy! The story of today that I choose to focus on and expand in. I am worthy! It often feels like a lie to write those words and there is resistance