What an incredible year 2023 was!

Many highs and many lows — globally. Growing technology & possibility. I’m truly grateful and celebrating all that I look back on — even honoring the things that were hard or challenging.

Some of the highlights for me personally were:
• #1 — Going deeper into my own personal trauma healing, facing some massive C-PTSD challenges that brought with them actual health issues that manifested that scared the shit out of me.
• #2 — Taking Craig and my youngest two back to California to one of my favorite old stomping ground from childhood, the Redwoods.
• #3 — Taking on a new business mentor that ended up leading me back to my favorite and old mentor in the long, short run, whish has shifted my mindset and business in ways that I could not have ever imagined.

And I’m just getting started.

Some of the incredible things I’m excited about as we move into 2024 are:
•#1 — Getting back into the facilitator role with numerous workshops, events, and VIP days. Its been a few years since I consistently engaged in this passion.
• #2 — Getting my children’s book series fully published and out for the public!!!!
• #3 — TRAVEL!!! of course I am always so excited about this, but this year I am looking so very forward to going to some amazing destinations (okay so I have more travel planned then I have time…lol) and taking my youngest two children with me.

I always like to spend time at the end of the year reflecting. Did I achieve my goals? What worked well? What didn’t work for me? What do I want to accomplish in the next year?
I’d absolutely encourage you to do the same!

You see, it’s not about New Year’s Resolutions for me. It never has been.

Here’s why…
We all know that resolutions are practically made for abandonment. Statistically, t’s less than 10% of people who set a resolution who actually keep it. I believe that if you want to make a change and create a different reality for yourself in any area of your life, change must start NOW. Not on a Monday, not January 1 — but right now.
And I’d love for you to reflect on this…

Imagine your life 1 year from now. What if everything in your life is EXACTLY the same as it is right now — your work, relationships, how you spend your time, your finances, etc. If nothing changed from how it is today, how would that make you feel?

For most people, even though they’re happy on the surface level, not growing over the years
leads to unhappiness or even feelings of failure. You see, one of our needs as humans is GROWTH. And you’ve probably heard the phrase “If you’re not growing you’re dying.”

So, how would you feel if nothing changed?

The thing is…I know that you, me, and everyone in this world is meant for even more.

I’d LOVE for you to share your thoughts with me by commenting below!
And if you’re stressed, overwhelmed, or even depressed by the thought of being in exactly in the same place you are today 1 year from now, what can you change today to make the future different?

The future always starts with today, with now. Don’t put off change and growth!
And obviously, there’s no better time to create change than as we move into a New Year. 🙂
I want you to know that I’m here to support you however I can in 2024 and beyond.
So, Happy New Year to you! Let’s make 2024 everything we desire…because everything we
desire is truly available. ❤

Loving you from here always,
Rene’ Schooler